Chapter Twenty Five

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Jasrah's POV
We were greeted by an attendant just as we got in the restaurant. It was a dream come true for me, i couldn't hide my joy. I was grinning widely.
The restaurant looked bigger and way more beautiful than i imagined it to be.
"You are both welcome Mr and Mrs Hassan. Follow me please". The attendant led us with a plastered smile on his face. We followed suit with my arm still wrapped around Hassan's broad masculine one.
We reached a secluded spot in the restaurant and it seemed we were the only ones present.
The area was decorated beautifully, soft music playing in the background. I got awestruck.
"Thank you". Hassan tipped the attendant before he left us to ourselves.
Just as i was about to pull the chair to sit.
"Let me". Hassan beat me to it.
His gentle man gesture really took me off. I didn't have the time to take in his appearance earlier. He looked comfortable and strikingly handsome wearing casual fittings.
I didn't want him to catch me staring again so i averted my gaze on time but he had this smirk on his face even without looking at me.
I felt blood rush up to my cheeks but I'm ever so grateful for my skin tone.
"You planned all these?". Once again I tried to change the topic.
"Yeah, you like it?". He asked. There was a curious yet anxious look on his face.
"Yeah. It's beautiful". I said looking  around. We had a great view of the city from where we were sitted. Everything was mesmerizing. I had no idea Hassan had this soft spot in him and getting to realize it has been triggering a kind of unfamiliar emotion in me.

"Thank you". A part of me just wanted to show my appreciation. I never expected any of this. Everything felt like a dream.
"Hey shhhhh, decide on what you'll like to eat". He said with a smile.

When it comes to stuffs like this. I become indecisive and the food looked all foreign so it was hard to decide.
"I dunno what to eat". I said like a four year old, making him to let out a chuckle.
"Don't worry". He motioned for a waiter who immediately approached to take our orders.
"Pickled jalapeno, hand cut fries for her and fried organic chicken, rainbow swiss chard for me". The waiter wrote them down and left to get them.
On seeing the lost look i had, Hassan tried reassuring me. "You are going to like it. Trust me. They are my favorite whenever i come here".
I decided to give it a try, hearing the meals are Hassan's favorite.
Not much minute wasted, the waiter scurried in with our meal beautifully arranged on a trolley.
"Enjoy your meal". He placed them on our table with a bucket of a non alcoholic wine in ice cubes.
"C'mon try it". Hassan said assuringly and i decided to have a little portion of it and to my surprise it was really good. Tasted way better than it looked and better than i imagined.
"Mmmmmmm, it's good". I said in between bites.
"Slow down tigress". He let out a heartfelt laughter. He had this twinkle in his eyes while he laughed. Looked carefree and handsome to say the least. I was happy seeing him happy. My heart beats were getting out of proportion but i had to calm my nerves.
"What is this feeling I'm having?". I thought to myself.

Lunch went by so fast and beautifully. I didn't want to leave but we had to as Hassan said we still had to go somewhere. He had his eyes fixed on the road, at the same time talking on the phone.
This time around i also had no idea where we were going since Hassan won't speak. He was still on the phone which gave me the time to think of how my life had changed surprisingly. If someone would have told me i was going to be free of Anty Amina's clutches and have a home of my own. I would have laughed at that person. But here i am, with a home, a husband of my own and my freedom.
My eyes began to sting but I tried so hard to hold in the water works. I don't want Hassan to see me crying so i tried calming myself down.
I felt his hand above mine, giving me a light squeeze.
"What's wrong? You look worried". He raised his eyebrows.
"It's nothing. I'm fine". I just hoped he was going to easily let me off the hook.
He gave me a long stare before turning his gaze back to the road. His right hand still on mine.
"Okay then. But you know you can talk to me right?". He said.
"Yeah. Trust me, I'm fine". I placed my other hand on his in an attempt to reassure him and it worked.

"We are at our destination". He said with glee.
I didn't know where we were but it was crowdy and looked like a fun park.
Hassan was out and got to my door in no time. Giving out his hand to which i took happily.
"Where are we?"
"We my dear are at adventurers amusement park". He said, leading us to the entrance.
I felt a gush of excitement once again that i thought i was gonna pass out.
It had an attractive scene, children along side their parents and some playing and running around. Young couples with joy evident on their faces just like mine. So many beautiful rides and playground equipments.
My eyes caught a young man selling cotton candies and i knew my taste buds were craving for that much of sugar. I literally dragged Hassan till we were at the spot.
"Can i have this? I want to have this please". I pleaded like a child, leaving Hassan with a surprised look on his face.
"Sure". He said with amusement.
"One cotton candy please". He told the fellow and paid him up.
"Happy?". He asked just as the young man handed me a stick.
"Very". I grinned widely. For a moment i forgot i was a grown up.

Hassan had just bought us ice cream and we were sitted on a wooden bench having a view of the scene in front of us. I was filled up half way through, I couldn't handle any more sugar in my system.

We were on our way back to the hotel. I really had a great time today, in no way wanting it to end. I was holding on to the teddy Hassan got for me by winning a game.
Exhaustion was an understatement though but it was worth it.
We arrived at the hotel and just got into our suite.
Hassan was heading to his room when i asked what he was going to eat for dinner but it turned out his was full.
"Sleepy?". He asked.
"No. Not yet".
"Then would you mind watching a movie?". He asked.
"I would love that".
"Great. Let me go freshen up first. You should as well". He got into his own side of the room and I got into mine.

Minutes later i was out and met Hassan setting up the sitting room. They were blankets spread on the floor with pillows and a bucket of popcorn alongside sodas. Lights were turned off and the only evident light was from the TV screen.
After much disagreements, we decided on watching Jumanji. Which of course was my choice. Hassan found it immature but he had to give in. I laid besides Hassan with an understandable distance without making it look awkward.
We were half way through and my eyes got heavy. I couldn't fight the sleep so i let it do its thing. Before sleeping completely i looked up at Hassan.
"Thank you for today. It was amazing". I mumbled before drifting into a slumber.



I have an announcement 👀



It's an update (obviously)😂😂❤️
Don't come at me. I'm not feeling fine.
Well the highest vote was on a Jasrah's POV, so there you have it.

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