Chapter Thirty Two

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This chapter is dedicated to royaldeeja

Three months later

Jasrah's POV
Hassan was in the gym downstairs so I decided to join him and at least leave the room. I've been acting all lazy recently, always staying in the room except when it was time to eat.

I got to the gym and saw my handsome husband doing his morning workouts, not noticing my presence.
Using the opportunity, i got myself entertained by watching him flaunt his muscles.

"You sure love staring at me. Am i that hot?". He said without even looking at me. And i had a feeling that there was a smirk on his face.

He turned to look at me and there it was, the smirk.

"How did you know i was here?"

"Oh c'mon. You are my wife. A part of me. How can I not know when a part of me is present?". He wiggled his brows.

"Okayyy Romeo". I laughed and walked up to him.

"You came downstairs today. I was starting to think you love the room more than you love me. What brings you down here?". Of course he had to be dramatic about it.

"I'm bored and tired". I pouted.

"Bored i can understand at least but tired?  What's making you tired babes? You've been in bed". He asked and got back to his workout.
Making me to huff. His attention wasn't even on me.

"You are not even bothered. You are much more focused on your workout than me?". I sniffled.
At least i got his attention, he left whatever he was doing and came to me.

"Don't say that baby. You know it's not true".

"What do you expect me to think? You don't even care about me anymore. You are always busy with one thing or the other". I began to cry. A part of me knew it wasn't true but I didn't know why i was being dramatic and emotional.

"Baby. I'm sorry if that's how I made you feel". Hassan hugged me.

"Am i not attractive anymore? Is there something wrong with me?" 

"Baby why are you crying? Are you seriously crying?". He looked shocked.

"Don't say that please. How can anything be wrong with you. You are the most beautiful and sexiest wife and i would not trade you for anything". He planted kisses all over my face making me to giggle.
I was so quick to go from upset to happy. Something must be definitely wrong with my system.

"Cry baby. Now cmon what do you want to do? Or do you mind joining me here? You kind of need it".

I decided to workout a little bit. It wasn't my first time working out with Hassan though.
I got on the treadmill and after what felt like thirty seconds i began to get fatigued. I was sweating as well which was weird.

"Baby i dont think i have the strength to work out today. I feel tired and weak". I wiped off a sweat from my forehead.

"Are you okay? You don't seem fine babes". Hassan looked worried.

"I'm fine. I just need fresh air".

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