Chapter Eleven

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Jasrah's POV
"Two weeks....."

A week has gone by and this second week is surely going to be much more tiring than the first week.
I'm getting married by the end of this week. And to none other than Hassan.

Anty and Anty Laila discussed for more than an hour after dismissing me.

I heard a soft knock on my door, my so comfortable position was going to be ruined but nevertheless. It may be Anty Laila. Asiya or Anty never knock on my door.
True to my suspicion, it was Anty Laila.
"Anty Laila, please come in". I said feeling uneasy. Whatever brought her up here must be very important.
She gave me a questioning look and a confused me later understood why.
"Oh, Mom". I said shyly.
She walked further into the room and found a spot on my bed to sit.
I stood there dumbfounded, waiting for her to speak.
"Sit". She said tapping a spot beside her. I carried my legs to where she was and sat.
"Amina is a stubborn woman. You must have known that by now. She wasn't on board with you getting married to Hassan". Anty Laila said.
Wait.. Wasn't?

"Yes, she wasn't but after much persuasion. She gave in". She said.
Did she just read my mind?

"I didn't read your mind, the confused look on your face said everything". She laughed.

She did it again. Seriously this woman's humor is much. I wonder why Hassan is cold.
She brought me out of my thoughts and began speaking.
"So since the wedding is taking place in two weeks, which is a very much short time. You have no rest dear. I hope you have no problem with that?".

" No Anty..... Mom". I said, it's going to take time for me to get used to the Mom thing.
"What ever you say". I concluded.

"Okay dear. I should leave now, there are important things i have to take care of". She gave me a warm hug before heading for the door.
"Let me walk you out". I said.

We approached the sitting room and found Anty pacing back and fro, deeply in thoughts. Our movements jerked her and she came back to reality.
"You both gave me a fright". She said panting with a hand on her chest.

"You'll never change". Anty Laila said with amusement. "Well, I'm leaving". She gave Anty a hug and walked out.
"Take care of yourself". Anty Laila told me in a whisper like voice. I nodded with a smile and watched her leave before shutting the door.

The whole day i received harsh words from both Anty and Asiya. I was expecting it so it didn't really get to me. In two weeks, I'll be out of their way.

End of Flashback...
I was in my closet looking at all the clothes i had. Anty Laila was persistent on me going shopping today and the worst part was Hassan is picking me up. I was indecisive on what to wear. After what seemed like hours i came to a conclusion to wear the only abaya i had. A simple two colored abaya i bought last year.

I wrapped my hair with a brown veil and gave myself a last check in the mirror

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I wrapped my hair with a brown veil and gave myself a last check in the mirror.
'When would i learn to love makeup?'. I asked myself. I was never a fan of makeup and besides who am i trying to impress. I grabbed my empty purse and headed downstairs to the sitting room. The back of a manly figure was what i could see and i knew who it was.
I walked further into the sitting room which caught his attention.
I murmured a 'Salam' with my head facing the ground, not sure if he heard me. I could feel his stare, getting me uncomfortable before i broke the silence again.
"Good morning". This time it came out loud and clear.
"You don't need to greet twice, i heard the first one please". He said with a straight face.
This young man is unbelievable. I couldn't stay in the suffocating atmosphere so i had to think of something. "Let me call Anty". I said.
"You don't need to do that. She went out minutes ago with Asiya. I've met her while you were in there wasting my time".
He said which made me give an eye roll.
"Can we leave?". I asked not wanting to be approximately close to him.
"Sure". He said.
I got into the passenger's seat and buckled my seatbelt.
"Where exactly are we going?". I asked Hassan, trying to get rid of the dull atmosphere but he didn't budge. Not even a look did he spare me. His eyes were fixed on the road like his life depended on it.
There was a faint sound of the radio playing so i increased the volume and relaxed on the seat looking  at trees moving swiftly.
The radio went down. Tilting my head, Hassan gave me a warning look. His face held a "don't touch my car look".
"Mmm". I hummed, rolling my eyes.

Twenty minutes later, he pulled up in front of an unfamiliar house and drove in as the security guard opened the gate.
I've got to be honest. The house was beautiful. I was in awe.
He parked at a parking lot and stepped out without giving me a cue to follow him but i did. He's not the only stubborn person around.
We headed to a large main door and it was opened by a beautiful, chubby lady.

"You both are here. Welcome, come in please". She said with a radiant smile.
"I can't stay, I have a lot of work to do. You both have fun". Hassan said while leaving. I was confused beyond words.
"Later then. Bye bro". The lady who I'm yet to know said.
Bro?!. So she's Hassan's sister? I could see the striking resemblance now.
"Make yourself comfortable sister in law , we'll be leaving in ten minutes". She beamed.
"By the way I'm Amaya. Hassan's younger sister. I've been so eager to see who my brother is getting married to". She said.
I smiled shyly.
"Ten minutes, nothing more. I need to take care of some work". She said heading to what seemed like a room.
I was taking in the beauty of the house before i heard a shuffling sound behind the couch.
I stood up to check what it was.
I saw a small, cute girl looking up at me.....

👀Waddup lovelies. Apologies for the late update 😩. I've been quite busy. This time it's not a lie 😹. Bear with me.

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