Chapter Four

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"Where is my son inlaw?". Anty asked. Which earned her a frown from Asiya.

"He'll be here soon, he's answering an important business... ". Before Anty Laila could finish her sentence. He walked in with a Salam. Everyone's attention drifted to him.

There he was......

Jasrah's POV
"Ohhh here he is". Anty Laila said with a smile.
A tall, fair body built man dressed in a black getzner sewed into a body fitting kaftan with a black zanna bukar cap placed on his well trimmed hair. Looking strikingly handsome.
Ps:The last part. I thought to myself.

"Jasrah, lower your gaze". My inner voice scolded. I drifted my eyes away from him to Asiya who was looking at Hassan with eyes as large as saucers. She was obviously drooling over the guy.
"Where is the Asiya that was refusing to get married to him?". I asked myself because the view in front of me was surprising.
Asiya rushed to where he was standing by the door and led him into the sitting room, bashing her eyelashes at him in a seductive manner.
I cringed at the sight of that." Good morning ma'am". Hassan greeted Anty. "How are you my son?". Anty asked with a wide grin on her face. "I'm good, Alhamdulillah". Hassan replied with a little smile and sat down on an empty sofa. Asiya shamelessly sat beside him eyeing him with lust filled eyes. "Gosh, where are her manners?". I thought.
"Well Hassan". Anty started.. "This is my daughter Asiya". Hassan gave her a studying look and gave a nod to Anty. "And this is my step daughter, Jasrah". She trailed off with a visible annoyed look on her face. "Good Morning". I greeted to which he nodded in acknowledgement.
"Not much of a talker, aye?". I thought.

We headed to the dining room and i served them before taking my seat opposite Hassan. Asiya sat beside him and was looking at him like a dessert she was going to eat up. That got me rolling my eyes.
There was an awkward silence before Anty started speaking to Hassan.
"My child, I'm sure Laila has already had a conversation with you regarding my daughter, Asiya". She motioned to Asiya who was so lost drooling over Hassan which didn't have a single effect on him or maybe he was good at hiding reactions. He held a straight face.
Hassan nodded without a word. "Gosh, doesn't his neck ache with that much nod?". I whispered. Raising my head, i saw him glaring at me to which i gulped.
"Did he hear me?". I wondered and brushed it off. The dining room was filled with laughter and chit chats from Anty and Anty Laila. Asiya was very much throwing herself at Hassan. Trying so hard to force a conversation with him. For once i thought i saw him roll his eyes. His jaws were clenched and i could see he was annoyed.
I stuffed my face with food to stop myself from laughing.
"Well this is going to be a long day". I said with a sigh.

Hassan left for an important work after being done with his meal. A driver was sent to pick up Anty Laila after Zuhr. The driver was sent by Hassan. I was very much sure he didn't want to be anywhere near our house.

The day went by slowly. Lucky enough, i wasn't summoned by Anty for the rest of the day. She was too busy planning on wedding preparations with Asiya who immediately agreed to get married to Hassan after Anty Laila left.
With that i changed into my pj's and headed to bed.

I need an applaud 😴. I wrote this chapter with heavy eyes.
Note to self: never update when sleepy 😪😂😴.
Well guys, chapter four for you. Love y'all ❤️

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