Chapter Twenty Six

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Jasrah's POV
Hassan was pacing to and fro, gathering all his files into his briefcase. From the looks of it he had an important meeting today. He looked stressed, obviously didn't sleep through out the night.
"Do you need any help?". I asked.
He looked up at me with a strained smile. "No don't worry".

"Okay. Atleast eat something before you leave".
"I'm sorry but i can't. I need to leave immediately, i have a meeting with an important client. I'll order for food at work". He said with a hopeful look. I had no other option but to let it go.
Rushing to the fridge he grabbed a bottle of water, got his briefcase and placed a kiss on my temple before heading out.

Minutes later, after he left. I decided to clear the sitting room ignoring the fact that room service were going to do that.
On the dining table was Hassan's file.
"Doesn't he need this?". I pondered.
With the file in my hand, i reached for my phone and dialed his number which went into a voicemail.
"Urghh, how is he unavailable. Didn't he just leave minutes ago?" Frustration embracing me. I paced around the dining area thinking of what to do.
"Abdul! Ohh yes Abdul". Recalling Hassan gave me Abdul's number incase of any emergency. I hurriedly dialed his number which he picked just after the first ring.
"Good day maam". He courtly said.
"Good day Ab....". Surprise making me cut what I was saying.
"Wait how did you know it was me?"
"Sir gave me your number ma'am". He said.
"Ohh sure". Realizing it was obvious, making me feel dumb.
"Hassan left a file here and i dunno if it's important for his meeting today. Can you please come over and deliver it to him?" 
"Alright ma'am. I'll be there in an hour". He said.
Making my eyes widen. "An hour!!?" I almost screamed.
"I'm sorry ma'am but sir sent me on an errand very far from the hotel but I'll try to be quick". His voice laced with worry.
"Ummm, don't worry. I think i can manage. I'll take the files to him". I said after much thought.
"But ma'am..."
"No buts Abdul. Don't bother, i insist".
"Okay ma'am". He let out a defeated sigh.

I was outside the hotel in less than 10 minutes. Hailed a taxi and gave him Hassan's office address.
He pulled up in front of a Humongous building.
"We are here ma'am". I was lost staring at the building.
"Ma'am?"  He called out. Bringing me back to reality.
"Ohhh right. Thank you". I grabbed the files and stepped down.
Approaching the beautifully crafted door. I got in and headed to a table where I saw a young lady with thick rimmed glasses focused intently on whatever she was doing on her laptop.
"Hello. Good morning". I greeted.
"Good morning. How can i help you?" She asked without raising her head. Not sparing me a glance.
"How rude". I thought.
"I need to meet your boss. Can you let him know I'm here?"
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked, this time around looking up at me with displeasure.
She looked like an innocent and a sweet lady but her attitude was fowl.
"No. Just let him know Mrs Hassan Omar is her to see him". I said with a smirk.

Realization hitting her hard in the head. Her eyes went wide, looking like they were going to bulge out of their sockets through her glasses.
She stood up abruptly. "I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't know it was you".
"And? It still doesn't give you the right to act the way you did to any other person". I gave her an annoyed look.
"Huuhhhh, Hassan needs to know the kind of people working for him". I pretended to talk to myself but loud enough for her to hear.
"Please ma'am don't inform him of this. I'm so sorry. This won't repeat itself again. Sir is going to fire me".
I wasn't going to tell him but I had to get her scared and put her in her place.

"Where is his office?". I asked. Rolling my eyes with a sigh.
"This way ma'am". She hurriedly got out of her booth and led me to an elevator. Directed me to the 8th floor where Hassan's office was.

The elevator stopped at the 8th floor after few minutes. I headed to the only door in the floor where i met an empty desk by a corner just a little distance from the door. 'PA' written boldly on the desk.
I knocked slightly on the door with the letters 'CEO' transcribed on it.
"Yes Agatha". I heard Hassan say through the closed door.
Turning the door nob open i stepped into his office. The office looked so masculine with wooden furniture and a dark painting.
Hassan was looking restless, searching his files for obviously the file he left at the hotel. I couldn't resist rolling my eyes, amazement all over my face.
"Agatha, have you seen the file?" He asked, not realizing i was the one.
"The one you left on the dining table in the hotel? Yes i found it". Sarcasm laced in my tone.
He looked up immediately and his eyes went wide as saucers.
Dropped the file in his hand and rushed to where i was standing.
"Jasrah? What are you doing here?"
"Umm is this the file you are looking for? You left it on the dining table". I handed the file to him, making him let out a sigh of relief.
"Ohh yes, yes, yesss. You are a life saver". He was ecstatic which made him non-voluntarily give me a bone crushing hug.
"Can'ttt breathhh". I managed to say.
"Ohhh I'm sorry". He released me and gave me a smile.
"Seems you have a meeting now. I should get going". I said.
"No, please stay. I won't take long. We can go eat lunch after I'm done. Please". He gave me a pleading look.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back". He went to his desk, got his suit and headed for the door.
"Wait!" I stopped him. Seeing his tie was roughly tied.
"Yeah any problem?" He raised his brow.
Walking towards him, i unknotted his tie and at the same time my tummy was forming knots from anxiety because of how close i was to him. He looked down at me, letting me adjust his tie. His minty breath fanning my face.
"Thank you". He said, placing a kiss on my forehead before heading out hurriedly.

I was stuck in my spot where he left me. "When will i ever be used to his gestures". I wondered.
Butterflies filling my tummy and my heart racing widely.
I dragged my leg to the comfortable looking sofa in the office and turned on the TV.
Thirty minutes went by and boredom was beginning to engulf me. I looked around the office, taking in the beauty of it till my eyes landed on his desk which was scattered.
"Must have been because of the file he was looking for". I thought.

I walked up to the desk and tried arranging the files as much as i could.

To my surprise, the door flew open and there she was. The last person i wished to see on this earth.

Heyyyyyyyyy lovelies. Wow it's been so long. I'm so so so sorry for the very late update. Alot of things got in my way alongside school 😩😫💔
Been seeing your comments. Asking me to update but I couldn't. I'm sooo sorry. I'll try and make it up to you guys 🥲
Please vote, share, follow and also drop your comments ❤️

I'll do well to take care of typos later.

Please check out "Tears of loss". My other book🙏🏼🥺

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