Chapter Thirty Five

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Hassan's POV
I looked for her around the house. It just had to be her. I wasn't suspecting, i was certain. My guts never fail me.

There she was majestically trailing down the stairs in a robe and a towel tied up on her head.
"Hassan do you know the amount of noise you are constituting?". She said with a slight smile.
Which made me glare at her.

"What a surprise though. You are here today? What can I get you? Please seat down".

"My wife. Get me my wife or else you'll regret it". I said through gritted teeth.

"Excuse me? Your wife? Did you drop her off here?" 

"Don't play dumb with me Yasmeen". I grabbed her jaw and i saw how she was flinching in pain.
Fortunately for her, she managed to yank herself out of my grip and stood inches away from me, fuming with steam.

"Hassan what is all this? Why is it that anytime you misplace that so called child you call a wife, you come pointing fingers at me?" Her jaw was still hurting and she was filled with rage.

"Because i know what you are capable of and there in no one I can think of that'll kidnap my wife. So save yourself the trouble and get her from wherever it is you are hiding her". I was fuming as well.

"I. Don't. Know. Where. She. Is!" She emphasized each word.

"It's not over. I'll get my wife no matter the cost". I said and stormed out.

I spent hours searching for Jasrah but to no avail so I decided to get home.
The whole family were present and they were all devastated.

We were all in the sitting room when detective Amir and his crew came in.

"So Hassan I need to ask you some few questions".


"Has anything weird been happening of late?"

"No detective". I said after much thought then I recalled the hate messages Jasrah got from Yasmeen while we were in the states.
"I think I remember but it's been a while".

"Yeah just tell me. It might be of help". The detective said.

"Jasrah was getting hate messages from someone i know, Yasmeen. And things really never went well between the both of them".

"Mmm okay. And do you feel Yasmeen should be a suspect of yours?" 

"Ofcourse detective. I don't trust her one bit".

"Alright then. We have two options here. To wait for the kidnappers call or to track her location". He continued.

"Please Amir. I really can't sit here and wait for the kidnappers call. You are the only one I know that can help me. Just do whatever it is to get my wife. Please".

"Are you on speaking terms with her? Because we don't want it to seem suspicious to her".

"Not really but I'll do anything it takes to see that Jasrah is safe and sound". I wasn't in any way calm.

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