Chapter Nineteen

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Do well to ignore typos please. I'll make sure i check them ❤️

I left the box wrapped and headed to Hassan's room along with the box.
Upon reaching the door, i hesitated before knocking. I gave a slight knock and waited for his response. A minute or so, the door swung open revealing a bored looking human. I couldn't let him see how intimidating i get just by a single look from him but I had to stand my ground and keep up a straight face.
"What's this?".

Jasrah's POV
"You should have opened it and saved yourself the trouble of coming to ask". He said as if i did the dumbest thing ever. My facial expression didn't waver one bit.
"That really isn't an answer to my question you know".
"Mmm feisty. I didn't know you could get like this". He held an amused look on his face.
I had to roll my eyes and his expression turned sour. In as much as it wasn't a big deal, i didn't want the smile on his face to disappear.
"Please tell me what this is". I said a little bit calmer.
"A little something. Open it". The sour expression was gone and was replaced with something different.
I relented at first before giving in and decide to unwrap the box. It was a freaking iPhone 11 pro max. My eyes almost fell off their sockets.
"This is huge. I can't collect this". I stammered.
"And why's that?". He gave me a questioning look, pushing his hands into his pockets.
"It's of huge value and i can't take it".
"You are my wife Jas". He rubbed his face in a way that made it look like i was getting annoying.
That wasn't what was on my mind then, it was the sound of my name rolling out of his tongue. My heart made a flip.
"I know but....".
"No buts just take it". He cut me off.
No matter what I was going to say, he wouldn't listen so i turned on my heels and headed downstairs for breakfast.

After our breakfast i decided to relax in the sitting room downstairs. A Telemundo series was on screen and minutes later i got tired of watching.
I decided to explore my new phone, having a phone was really foreign. I didn't have much knowledge on how to even operate one quite well.

Hassan walked in after a while and made himself comfortable on a one sitter by the left side of the sitting room.
"What are you watching?". He asked.
As if he cared.
"Nothing, i got tired of watching".
"Mmmmm". He hummed.
"Need help with that?". He must have seen how i kept on looking at the phone and doing nothing with it.
"Well yeah, i guess". I was unsure of my answer but nevertheless it wouldn't hurt to get little assistance from him.

He helped me setup my email and other important stuffs along with downloading some applications including wattpad.
"I know how you females love reading novels". That was what he said.

"Thank you". I said as he got done. I was truly grateful, it was evident on my face though i wasn't smiling from ear to ear but there was a little grin on my face.

"Well if you need help. I'll be in the study room. I need to finish some work". He stood up to leave.
"So you are also heading out today? It's better you let me know now than for me to realize you are nowhere around later without a heads up". I didn't know how and why i said that but it just came rolling out of my tongue.

He raised his brows before speaking up. "No I'm not going anywhere. And why are you making it seem like i didn't let you know yesterday?".
"Well because you didn't". I said not looking at him but the series playing.

"You mean you didn't see the note i kept on your bed side table?". He asked feigning annoyance.

A note? I didn't notice any note. So he really did make an effort. Ya Salam and I just acted dumb right now. How could I not have noticed it. I looked up at him battling with myself to atleast say a word.
"I'm sorry. I didn't see it".

"Well now you'll get to know the importance of this phone you've got here". He said.
I couldn't help but say thank you to which he acknowledged with a nod.
"Be prepared. We'll be having dinner at Dad's place today. Humaira shouldn't prepare dinner. Till then, later". He exited the sitting room.

I had cold feet as I walked up to my room. We are having dinner with his family who are now my family but i was nervous. How am i going to act? How does a daughter inlaw behave over her in laws place. Alot of questions were running through my head but I pushed them away and went ahead to see the note Hassan left for me. True to his words there was a note which was visibly kept slightly under my lamp.

Hours passed by and it was evening. I just got dressed into a floral chiffon gown and wore all the necessary accessories. I tried applying little makeup, i didn't want to look bland and unlike a new wife so i had to.
It was 7:35pm and we should arrive there by 8pm.
Hassan must be ready by now. I grabbed a matching clutch and rushed downstairs.
I meet him by the end of the stairs looking handsome in a blue kaftan with a perfectly placed cap on his head with a pinch of blue on it. I had to admit, my so called husband has the looks.
I shook my head at that and approached to where he was.
He gave me a long examining look which was weird.
"What's wrong, is something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?". I was beginning to worry.
Causing him to let out a chuckle.
"Nothing is on your face. You look beautiful". Seriousness behind his words, you could tell he wasn't joking.
I felt blood rushed to my cheeks and i was praying so hard for the powder i had on my face to hide the redness on my cheeks.
"Thank you". I shyly said.

"Shall we?". He motioned towards the door to which i nodded and began walking to the exit.

We arrived five minutes late but Hassan wasn't bothered one bit but i was. I hate being tardy and it was my first time visiting them after the wedding.
We hailed to the backyard where we were going to have the dinner.
A long table was set, maids walking to and fro setting the table as they exchanged pleasantries with us.
Anty Laila, Uncle Omar and Amaya showed up immediately. Amaya and Anty Laila were both looking beautiful in their beautifully sewn atamfa. Amaya's was similar to that of Anty Laila. Uncle Omar was dressed in a kaftan, looking younger than his age. He really looked like Hassan.
Amaya squealad as she saw me, giving me a bone crushing hug.
"Can't breath". I managed to say.
"Sorry". She let out a giggle.

"Amaya when will you stop behaving like a child?". Anty Laila scolded.
"Help me ask her. She's trying to break my wife". Hassan said.
I got shy making my face heat up again.
"Su Yaya masu mata". Amaya teased.
I bent down and greeted Anty Laila and Uncle Omar.
"Good evening Mom. Good evening Dad".
"Get up my child. How are you doing?". Uncle Omar said.
"Fine alhamdulillah".
Anty Laila gave me a warm hug.
"It's getting late. Let's eat". She said.

The whole time having dinner was really enjoyable. Faruq, Aisha, Rukayya and other of their relatives that i met during the wedding were present. It was truly a blissful moment.
Uncle Omar spoke up after a while of being silent.
"I hope you both are getting ready for your trip to America by the end of this week".
Wait, what? It was this week? I was dumbfounded.

Quick update yeah? Well I tried so hard to make an update today due to the late update of the previous chapter. Apologies ❤️🙏🏻. I'll try to update much sooner in sha Allah.
Love y'all
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