Chapter Twenty

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Jasrah's POV
The week ended so fast and we would be leaving for America tomorrow. I was really overwhelmed with joy, knowing i was going to Mom's country and that was beyond exciting.
I was in my room together with Amaya. She arrived earlier and decided she was going to pack my stuffs. Refusing my help.
"You my dear needs to relax and look pretty. Concentrate on whatever you are doing with your phone while I help you pack". Her words actually as i tried helping.
She had this mischievous look on her face that didn't wear off one bit. I wonder what she was planning in that head of hers. She was definitely planning something but I was too happy to even think of that.

After the dinner we had with Hassan's family. I was a bit nervous about the trip knowing that it will be just me and Hassan but for the past few days. He has been a bit of a company and not the reserved workaholic i knew him as. I loosened up to him as well.

I was in the backyard later in the evening. Amaya left after zuhur so i was bored. I decided to make a bouquet so i began to pick flowers. Don't blame me, boredom makes you do weird stuffs. I got tired of watching or even using my phone so there i was. I just needed a touch of nature.

I heard footsteps approaching where I was bent. Not bothering to turn because i knew who it was.
"What are you doing with those flowers?" Came his question.
This time I tilted to look at him. I was about to answer but his appearance got me tongue tied. He was in briefs only.
A towel around his neck. My gaze was still fixated on him. His well sculptured body in sight.
"Like what you see?". He asked with a smirk making me to look away flushed. I was sure my cheeks were crimson red.
"Why are you back here picking flowers?". He asked.
"I was bored inside so I decided to come out here and i saw these flowers". I managed to say.
"Mmm. Well then, come and join me. I was about to go swim but i noticed you were nowhere in sight".
"Swim? I can't swim". I said.
"Come on, you can use the life jacket that is available". He tried convincing me.
As much as i didn't want to. I couldn't find the right words to tell him i was scared of swimming.
He must have noticed my uneasiness because his next words were in my favor.
"Okay you can just hang around and watch me swim. It will be much fun than staying here picking flowers yknow?".
"Okay then, let's go". I had to give in.

We got to the swimming pool area and he got into the water immediately. I got myself comfortable on a lone chair while I watched him.
"Get in here. It's fun really". He said loud enough for me to hear. He was at the far end of the pool opposite from where I was sitted.
"No thanks, I'm fine here". I cowardly said.

Minutes later i noticed the place was coldly silent. Hassan wasn't in view.
"Hassan?". I called out nervously but there was no response. I jerked up from the chair and called out his name again walking towards the pool. I looked into the water and he was nowhere to be found. I got very scared, my eyes getting glossy and was stinging. I walked round the pool calling out his name severally.
My mind went numb as tears left my eyes. I sat by the pool tearing up, my palms cupping my face.

The next thing I felt was my weight being lifted off the floor and splashed into the pool. Hassan's laughter filling the space as i tried gasping for air. I was still in his strong arms when realization hit me. This human messed with my head. I tried getting away from his grasp but he didn't loosen his grip, instead they got tighter.
"Let me go". I was fuming with rage.
"Okay". He shrugged and released me but i held him back because I began to drown. All these were really amusing to him, its his fault that i was wet but he didn't seem to bother. I was so angered to bother about the proximity between us, I was in contact with his bare chest.
"Were you crying?". He chuckled.
I ducked my head to hide my face. Then again i heard his laughter.
"It's not funny". I said with a pout.
"But you are not dead and admit it. It feels good".
It was my turn to shrug.
We were in the pool for an hour or so without any awkward atmosphere but rather relaxing.

I got a fever in the evening and Humaira was there to assist me. Hassan was planning on postponing the trip because of me but I had to convince him that i would be fine. I can't have him missing any important work because of me. He loves working and i know that now.

Humaira prepared a chicken soup but i couldn't eat. I had no appetite. As hard as she tried to make me eat, i couldn't.
There was a knock before Hassan came in with my drugs.
"You still haven't eaten?". I gave him a guilty look.
"Humaira why didn't you force her to eat?". He asked her with a bossy look, making Humaira get scared.
"I tried sir b-but she's refusing to eat". She stammered.
He was talking as if I wasn't in the room.
"Leave us". He ordered and with that Humaira left the room. Her picked up the bowl of soup and fetched at spoon full, pushing it towards my mouth.
"I can't eat by myself yknow?". I questioned with raised eyebrows.
"I know you can but you won't so quit being stubborn and open up your mouth". He said sternly. I pouted but his expression didn't waver one bit.
I ended up eating with Hassan feeding me. He had this soft expression making him look at ease.

An update. Yeahhhhh 💃🏻💃🏻
Was it late?👀
Well if it was then my apologies ❤️😭
So Hassan and Jasrah. Progress yeah?😌
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