Chapter Eighteen

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Hassan's POV
After the tour we had, i retired to my room to take a shower. The tour was actually an opportunity to spend time with her. Call me crazy, i am. I don't know what Jasrah is doing to me. I can't seem to think straight when she's around. I manage to put up a straight face because I don't want her to see my weakness just yet but i don't think i can keep up with it for long. It's getting hard.
Her fragrance alone makes my heart beat much faster.
My whole life all i knew was work but now, I'm getting attracted to a lady who happens to be my wife.

The ring of my phone snapped me from my thoughts. I saw the name displayed on the phone.
"Yasmeen, what is it now?". I sighed before picking it up.
Before you ask, Yasmeen is a close friend and the sister of my biggest business partner. We go a long way actually.
"Hello Yas".
"Hey Hassan. Please can i see you? It's very urgent". She sounded tensed and also seemed like she was crying.
"What is the problem Yas". I asked.
"When you get here, you'll know everything". She said in between sobs.
She really sounded troubled and my conscience couldn't let me ignore her when she needed my help. Though it wouldn't give off a nice picture for a recently married man to be out on the second day of his marriage but i had to go help a friend.
I sprinted to Jasrah's room forgetting to knock. Luckily she was in the shower.
"Jasrah?". I called out severally but she couldn't hear me so I decided to leave a note under her lamp on her bedside table.

It was very late at night when i arrived home. I was completely pissed. For yasmeen to waste my time. No ones does that, what was she thinking.
Reminiscing the event was making my anger resurface and getting worse. I got there and found her watching in the sitting room looking normal.
"Ohhhhh Hassan. You are here, come in. You are welcome". She said in one go.
"What is the matter Yas? I don't have much time and from the looks of it. Everything is fine, why did you seem troubled over the phone? I left my wife all alone at home please". It actually felt good to refer her as my wife but the person in front of me right now was trying to get me mad for wasting my time.
"Oh, yeah your wife. I forgot about the whole you getting married thing". I sensed distaste in her tone.
"Well....". She continued, her voice beginning to crack.
"Ya Zayyad wants to get me married to one of his business partner before the end of this month". She said tears cascading freely down her cheeks.
"Subhanallah". I sighed. If there's one thing i know is that Zayyad is a very stubborn person. He's my business partner and Yasmeen's elder brother. He's been in charge of everything since their father passed away years ago.
"I need your help Hassan. I can't get married to a stranger. I know you just got married but please consider taking me in as your second wife. No one needs to know till after the marriage. By then Ya Zayyad won't be able to do anything about it. Please Hassan". She sobbed.

"Astagfirullah". I exclaimed getting at a far distance away from her, shock written all over my face. It looked as if Yasmeen grew horns because she just gave me the biggest shock of my life.
"What's wrong with you. Are you being serious right now? I have a wife and she's enough". I snapped.
"I know Hassan, but I don't mind being your second wife. I'll do whatever you want". She seemed unbelievable.
"I can't do that Yas. As much as i don't want you to be forced into marriage but i can't".

"How could you even pick some other girl over me? I've been in your life for a while but you couldn't see the affection i have for you". She was beginning to raise her voice.
"You are unbelievable right now Yas". I said, walking out.
"Hassan you can't leave, we are not done talking!". She screamed.
"When you get back to your senses Yasmeen. We'll talk. I need to get back to my wife".

I walked up to Jasrah's room knocking slightly on her door but there was no response. I turned the door nob and got in with a Salam. Her petite figure was sprawled on the bed sleeping soundly.
I walked further towards her and pulled the duvet to her shoulder making her embrace the warmth. Her silky hair loose.
I resisted the urge to run my fingers through them.
'Get a grip on yourself'. My inner self scolded me.
I dropped the box of phone i got for her on her vanity table. On my way back, i decided to drop by a phone store and got her one since she didn't have a phone. I really do feel bad for the treatment she gets from me but i can't handle falling deep and not getting everything being reciprocated but with time i know I'll make the right move in sha Allah.

I felt full without an ounce of appetite so I went to my room. Had a shower, prayed and got busy with some paper works before going to bed.

Jasrah's POV
I woke up energetic which was weird. The first thing i noticed was the duvet covering me i couldn't remember pulling it up. I didn't bother about salat due to my uninvited guest that came immediately after I prayed Isha yesterday. So i had a long refreshing bath. I got a sweatpants and a turtle neck long sleeved cardigan. Got dressed and wrapped my head with a veil. I was still not comfortable with my hair been open around Hassan.
Speaking of him, I don't even know if he has returned. I wasn't going to let that ruin my mood sha. My eyes caught a box on my table.
"How didn't i notice this. What's this?". I mumbled, examining the package wrapped up. I pressed the intercom waiting for Humaira who showed up minutes later.
"Yes ya Jasrah". She couldn't just call my name alone. So we both agreed to the 'ya Jasrah' which happened yesterday. We had a little bonding session and i got to know she is twenty and a widow. Saddening wallahi. I got to know alot about her.
"Humaira, did you keep this box here?". I asked.
"No Ya Jasrah. Maybe sir did".
"He's back?". I didn't know he was going to return.
"Yes. He returned last night while you were sleeping".
'Ohhhhh' was all i could say.
"You can go".
I left the box wrapped and headed to Hassan's room along with the box.
Upon reaching the door, i hesitated before knocking. I gave a slight knock and waited for his response. A minute or so, the door swung open revealing a bored looking human. I couldn't let him see how intimidating i get just by a single look from him but I had to stand my ground and keep up a straight face.
"What's this?".

To be continued 😂🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️I haff taya
Mmmm so a new character. Who hates Yasmeen already? I know i do.
Well that's that.

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