Chapter Fifteen

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Jasrah's POV
Amaya left with the other ladies after directing me to where Hassan was parked.
With slow steps, i approached the parking lot and found his car. My nervousness intensifying, i approached and stood right in front of the car instead of getting to the passengers side. I felt his gaze on me even before he was out of the car.
I ducked my head not wanting to look at him. Nervous and shy for an unknown reason. Hassan stepped out after a while, feeling his piercing gaze on me which got me uncomfortable.
I wanted the ground to open and swallow me right that instant.
"Ma sha Allah". It came out as a whisper but i heard it quite well and that made me grin internally. Trying so hard to hide the blush that was threatening to appear on my cheeks.
'Get a grip of yourself'. I scolded myself. Alhamdulillah my head was bent so he couldn't see my face.
I felt his gaze leaving me as he cleared his throat which actually made me to heave a sigh of relief.
"Where is Amaya?". He asked.
"She left with Rukayya". Raising my head to give him an answer. That was actually when i took in his appearance. He was in a blue kaftan which fitted him appropriately, looking different without his cap but yet handsome.
'Where are my manners?'. I thought as i averted my gaze.
A mumble from him was what i heard but couldn't get a word out of it. Making me ask what he said to which he blew off with a nothing.
We were on our way home, my nervousness visiting me yet again. My eyes were on the passing trees but my mind wasn't actually focused there.
Been thinking of marriage, of being a wife. All these were quite terrifying.
Feeling Hassan's stares time to time, he finally spoke up.
"So how was your day? You had fun?". Shock was an understatement at the moment. He was trying to start up a conversation? I tried to see if he was really serious but he gave me a questioning look. It was a bit relaxing to hear him ask about anything regarding me which gave me the courage to reply.
"It was great really. Wasn't expecting any of it. More of a surprise".

The conversation continued for quite a while before we arrived home.
"You are coming in right?". Giving him a questioning look.
"Well i don't think i can. It's time for Isha. I need to head home and pray".

"Why don't you save time and pray here before heading home?". I offered.
"I don't think......". He began to speak but i cut him off.
"I insist. Please come in". He heaved a defeated sigh before he trailed behind me into the house.
We met Asiya by the stairs who approached Hassan with a broad smile. Ushering him to take a sit.
As much as i wanted to hide my annoyance but i couldn't. Hassan gave me a look that says 'get me out of this' but i was too annoyed to do anything except to shrug and leave. I headed to my room to get a prayer mat for him. Giving myself a face palm as i remembered i didn't lead him to the restroom. I bumped into Asiya on the stairs, she was fuming with rage.
"Is everything alright?". I managed to ask her.
"It's none of your business". Her outburst wasn't surprising actually.
Hassan wasn't in the living room so i assumed he must be performing wudu.
He was done praying and left after saying his goodbye.

I've been up since i prayed fajr not being able to welcome any slumber again. It was less than 48hours before my wedding. The house was a bit crowded with relatives. Anty Laila made sure Anty Amina informed my relatives that i didn't know of about the wedding.
I met Dad's step sister Anty khadija alongside her husband and daughter. Anty Khadija was being called Ummi so i did call her that as well. Her daughter Maryam was a bit younger than me but married for a year.
I felt like I've missed a big part of my life, feeling like a stranger to my family. Getting to meet them thanks to Anty Laila.
Ummi had been like a mother figure since she arrived. Her husband Uncle Habeeb insisted on being my guardian for the whole wedding requirements. I felt pampered to say the least.
We got along quite well with Maryam. She was actually an expert at skin waxing and other traditional skin cleaning. My skin was so smooth just on the first cleansing and i was to have another one tomorrow. Different clashes of fragrance were all over me. My hair looking darker and silky, flowing just below my shoulder.
I was overwhelmed with joy. Meeting my relatives from Dad's side was amazing. Mom's relatives were in the States and couldn't make it.
The wedding anxiety was replaced with joy. Alhamdulillah.

Hassan's POV
I was going through some paper work in my apartment. I couldn't get the chance to head to the company because Mom didn't let me. Stuck in my room, i rounded up whatever work there was and focused my attention to the programme on the TV. A light knock was made on my door before it went open. Amaya peeped in, she has been home since yesterday.
"Hey bro, Dad needs your attention right now".
"Okay, I'll be there right away". She nodded before leaving.
I got out of bed and headed to Dad's study.
"Salam Alaikum". Getting in i found dad sitting on a lone couch with some files in his hands.
"Waalaikumsalam". He answered.
I sat opposite from him and watched as he packed the file and handed them to me.
They were house documents, it was confusing but I waited for him to speak.
"These are the documents to the new house I've been constructing".
"Okay?". I said which came out more of a question.
"Well, it's in your possession now. I want you to live with your new wife there. It's all yours".
I couldn't control my joy as a wide smile spread across my face.
"Ma sha Allah, thank you Dad". I gave him a hug and he patted me on the back.
Exiting the room i heard him speak. "And don't forget, USA in a week".
"Sure Dad. Thank you once again".

🤧Pheww. Sorry if you came across any typo error.
Quick update yeah?😌😅💃🏻. Can't promise to keep it up but enjoy.
Seems there is a connection growing between Hassan and Jasrah right? Well i can't say 😂😂😂💔💔. Let's see
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Dedicating this chapter to dijakaita
Thanks for threatening to dismantle me when i don't update 😂😂❤️
Love y'all ❤️❤️

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