Chapter Twenty Two

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Jasrah's POV
I was in a joyful mood throughout the day. Blushing from time to time the moment i reminisce Hassan's earlier gesture. Which also reminded me of an annoying event that occurred.
I was having a little tour of the hotel. Staying alone and being bored in the room, I decided to move my limbs.
A message popped up in my phone. Instead of a comment on my post, it was a direct message from the same user.
'I hope you have a joyful honeymoon', alongside a devilish emoji. That got enraged. Who did she think she was, having the guts of sending such a message, posting cold comments.
How did she even know about this travel?
I was thinking she was just a mere nose poker like most of my followers but now she seems more than that.
Ignoring that, i grabbed a scarf and headed out.
"I'll ask Hassan when he gets back". I muttered.

I spent an hour having a tour all by myself. Exhaustion overpowering me, i sat in the lobby. There were few people there as well.
I was surfing through my phone when i felt the presence of a person in front of me.
Looking at a lady around my age or even older. She held an unpleasant look on her baked face. The red shade of her lips dominated her face. She was in a tight straight gown that stopped above her ankle. Looking high classed, beautiful to say the least even with the heavy makeup but there was something off about her. I wasn't going to let her intimidate me.
"Hello". She said with a smirk plastered on her face.
"Hi, how can i help you?". I asked with a fake smile, not liking her one bit. Her aura felt dark.
"I don't need any help babes. I just wanted to get to know who the great Hassan Omar got married to". She looked at me with disapproval. My facial expression not wavering.
"He could have done better". She mumbled but it was loud enough for me to hear.
"Are you better?". I snapped. I wasn't in anyway going to sit and watch this bimbo act bitchy towards me.
"Ohhhhh easy there tigress. And well to your question. I guess you know the answer. Well it was nice to meet you babes. I'm Yasmine by the way. Bye". She waved, still having that smirk on her face.

Something didn't really sit well but i didn't really ponder much about it.


I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, it was around 5pm and Hassan still wasn't back. I decided to prepare dinner. All ingredients were available in the kitchen.
I was joyfully humming to a song. Swaying my hips side to side while working, unaware of Hassan's presence till he cleared his throat, startling me.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun (from God we are and to him we shall return)". My left hand on my heaving chest. I got my thumb burnt in the process.
"You frightened me". I said breathlessly.

He held an amused grin. "I'm sorry but that was a show to watch".
I turned towards the cooker without sparing him a glance. My thumb was throbbing with pain.
"I'm truly sorry. Are you alright? Did you get hurt?". He came behind me and turned me to face him.
My head was bowed down because i didn't want him to see how fragile i could be but the pain wasn't helping at all.
I still wasn't comfortable with his touch but i couldn't do anything.
"Ya ilaihi. You got burnt". He held my hand but i still didn't look up. I stayed fixed on my spot as he left to grab the first aid kit alongside an ice pack.
Leading me to the sitting room, he sat me down and tend to the burn.
"Mmm". I hummed not looking at him. "Come on look at me". He placed his thumb and index finger on my chin, raising my head so I could look at him. He had a sad and guilty look on his face which actually made me feel bad.
"Jas I'm sorry, i didn't mean to frighten you". He held out my thumb and blew on it.
Butterflies erupting in my stomach, my legs got wobbly. Good enough i was sitted, i wouldn't have been able to stand on my feet. Looking at him made my heart race but i tried so hard to keep my calm.
"It's alright. Don't worry". I said with a sincere smile.
"How was work?"
"Tiring but alhamdulillah. Let me go freshen up". He stood up and headed to his room.

Minutes later he came out in a casual tee with a sweat pant. Not in one of his natives or his cooperate wears but still looked breathtaking. I let myself stare at him.
"Take a picture. It lasts longer". He said with a smirk.
Blood rushed to my cheeks but i was glad my skin wasn't light enough to show any sort of redness.

"You must be hungry. Have your food". I said with embarrassment. I heard him chuckle but i chose to ignore him and set the table.
He took a sit and gave me a questioning look.
"What?". I asked unsure of my question.
"You cooked? You could have called room service to bring the meal".
I felt a bit disappointed, Hassan has never eaten my food and i was expecting him to pounce on it immediately but he was talking of room service bringing in our food.
"Well i could call room service and get rid of this". I approached the table to take the food away.

"Hey what do you think you are doing? I'm sorry i didn't mean it like that. You must have gone through so much stress preparing this". He said holding the plate back.
"It was no stress at all. I always loved cooking but Anty Amina didn't let me enter her kitchen to cook". I felt sad saying it but i masked it with a smile.

"Well then, you can cook all you want now". Hassan said with a smile.
"Eat up please. You haven't touched it".
"Sure". Hassan put a spoonful in his mouth, his eyes going wide as saucers.
I sat opposite him looking at his expression anxiously.

"Woahhh. My taste buds are in heaven". He said munching the meal like a predator feeding on his prey.
I was smiling from ear to ear. Being proud of myself for such an accomplishment.
Hassan was halfway through when he remembered of my presence. "Won't you eat?". He asked.
"No. I'm actually full. You go on and finish yours".
Honestly seeing him enjoying what i prepared made me full.

Hassan was done eating and we were in the sitting room. He was busy with work, focused on his laptop and i was sitting. Clouded with thoughts on how I'll come up with Yasmine. I didn't know i was fidgeting with my fingers, something i always did when i was anxious till i heard Hassan speak up.
"What's bothering you?". He raised his eyebrows.
"Nothing really".
"Jas. What's wrong?". He wasn't going to give up easily.
"Umm. Who is Yasmine?". I finally asked not expecting to see a surprised expression on his face.
"She's a friend". He managed to say after a long silence. I felt my heart make a thousand beats. Questions running through my mind.
Friend? What sort of friend? How long has he known her for? How close are they?
But i couldn't ask.

Hassan's POV will be next.
Been getting alot of comments, some threatening me so i can update😂. I'm sorry y'all. Writer's block is real and it hit me hard. I'm so sorry 😭😩😩.
Drop your comments please. Go easy on me 😭
Vote, share and follow as well ❤️
I'll do well to check the typos.

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