Chapter Thirty Six

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Jasrah's POV
"Hello Jasrah".

"You? Why?" I cried out.

"Do you really need a reason as to why I joined hands with her. Isn't it obvious?" Anty Amina laughed out.

"You are so naive". Yasmeen hissed.

"Well I know you must be wondering how this happened. Let's cut the story short". Yasmeen said.

"Well her daughter Asiya is getting married to my brother. One conversation led to another and we both got to know we have something in common. Our hatred for you. And so we came up with this whole scheme".

I couldn't control my tears. It was unbelievable though i knew of Anty Amina's dislike for me but I never thought she could ever do something like this to me.

"Please let me go. My baby". I held my tummy as I pleaded with them.

"Shut up! You and your baby are better off gone because Hassan is going to be mine. So use your last moment wisely". Yasmeen said and walked out with Anty Amina trailing behind her.

"Ya Allah. Help me get out of here please. Give Hassan a clue to locate me". I prayed for a while and slept off.

Hassan's POV
I've been much more restless since after Jasrah's call. My wife was in danger and i didn't have a clue on what to do. I surely would not spare whoever it is that is the reason for her pain right now. I can't let anything happen to my wife and my baby. They are my life.

I was pacing to and fro with alot of thoughts in my head. Jasrah made mention of a mosque. How do I know which mosque it is when there are alot of mosques in the city?
I informed Detective Amir but I still wasn't satisfied.

Mom was trying as much as possible to calm me down but failed.

I still had a strong belief that Yasmeen was responsible but she hasn't let us on any clue though something still felt off.

I was in the study when I received a call from Detective Amir.
"Hello Hassan"

"Yeah any news?" I asked.

"Not much. Still same as usual. Yasmeen hasn't gone anywhere suspicious but she had a guest today".

"A guest. Who?" 

"That's what we don't know right now. But it was a woman, very much older than Yasmeen. Maybe her mom". Amir said unsure.

"No that's not possible. Her mom passed away a long time ago. And i know Yasmeen, she distances herself from her relatives. Who is the woman that visited her then?" I thought hard.

"I'm sending you a picture of the woman my men took. It's not of good quality but i hope it helps".

Few seconds later, the picture came in and it really wasn't clear. I looked hard and immediately my eyes went wide.
"Anty Amina? How does she know Yasmeen". I thought.

I called back the Detective and informed him.
"We need to go to her place for questioning then".

I had no idea on what to do. It's been an hour since Detective Amir went to question Anty Amina.
"What's holding him up?" I said restlessly.
Just then, he called me.

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