Chapter Two-Heart and Soul

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We arrive back in our house with a soft sigh from me. A glance at the bed shows it's empty. Azriel must be out on his own business the same as me. Shadow whines softly and I smile, then get onto my knees between the towering hounds that strike such fear into so many. As I can.

"I'm fine. Nothing wrong with a little brawl now and then in the right circumstances." I tell them before laughing as he rains kisses onto my face while Emerald releases a staggered bark which I've learned is her version of a laugh. The first time I heard it I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I push off Shadow with an affectionate rub of his head before I head to the bathroom. He'd licked off the blood on my face at the very least, but my face is a massacre. The skin around the cut on my cheek is already swelling and growing purple along with another mark on my jaw, not to mention the handprint on my neck. My knuckles are split and raw, but they should be healed by the end of the day. Those bruises will last. I don't bother looking at my ribs and instead wipe off Shadow's spit before washing, then change from my leathers to something more comfortable.

I send an image of the empty bed to Azriel before moving towards our conjoined offices across the hall decorated with soft meadow greens and light blues. "Here I was hoping I'd come back home to find you still naked in bed."

Amusement instantly flickers across the bond and brings a smile to my face. "I had a few more pressing matters to attend to." He responds as I settle in front of my desk piled with papers.

I sigh. "More important than warming the bed while awaiting the return of your mate?" I tease and sigh for a completely different reason when he lets shadowy fingers linger over the bond.

"I said more pressing, not more important." He points out and now my smile is luminous. "I'm coming home soon. Do you need anything?" I can hear the joy in his voice when he says home and I love to hear it. Love to hear how happy it makes him to have a home with me.

"Just you."

"How did things go in the Steppes?" He returns and I stiffen. I suppose he'll find out eventually.

"I...may have been banned from the Steppes until after Solstice." Silence so heavy I swear I can feel it on my shoulders passes between us before I hear the soft whoosh of him winnowing in behind me. My head shakes, but I hesitate in turning around to face him. "I'm fine." I preface and his soft growl tells me he knows that's a lie. Carefully, I hold my breath as I stand without wincing and turn to face him. Anger and worry flash over his face as air hisses through his teeth at the sight of my injuries.

"It'll be gone by the end of today. Tomorrow at the most." I assure him softly. His eyes look me over before stepping closer and letting his hand hover over the side that Devlon had pummeled. His eyes meet mine for permission and I reluctantly nod. He lifts my shirt and his silence is deafening as he beholds the dark purple bruise already blooming there.

"I smell blood." He says and his voice is dangerously low.

My hands wring together, but I give in when he looks at me. "My nose was broken," I admit sheepishly and that cold ice enters Azriel's eyes before I take his hands and hold them to my face. He could never hold onto his anger while touching me. I show him what happened and his hands slide onto my waist, but while that anger flares, his touch is always gentle. He takes a minute afterward to order himself and I wait patiently as he does so.

"So, you're grounded." He says finally and I nod. "You'll be spending most of your time in Velaris until Solstice, then?" My brows furrow at the light gaining a little strength in his eyes.

"Yes. Why?" I question and he pulls me a little closer so his lips hover over mine.

"While I'm sorry you were hurt and am very tempted to do something about it," his voice deepens, then returns to normal as he continues, "this means that I get to spend more time with you." He murmurs and easily brings a smile to my face. "You nearly handing Devlon his ass is also the highlight of my year." A laugh tumbles from my lips and he takes the moment to slide his lips down my neck, down further, until I'm tossing off my sweater to feel his lips on my skin. This...this is something I hadn't thought I would ever get to have and it's more than precious to me. His soft mouth glides over my bruised ribs while my fingers tangle in his dark locks. "Kaira." He hums the way that drives me crazy when I tug a little on his hair.

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