Chapter Seven-Protection

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^art by Merwild

Azriel and I quite literally use every second of our time to try and tire ourselves out. We're both incredibly fit and it's a herculean task that apparently, nature decides we can't win. Azriel winnows us both high above the city and we take each other there too, wings flaring as we spin through chilled, open air. It may be my favorite position we've experimented with so far. Instead of walking in the front door of the townhouse, he takes me to the roof and I can tell he has something important to say by his countenance. I wait patiently as he has always done for me.

"I..." He starts and his arms around me tighten.

My chilled hands reach up and smooth over his face. "It's okay," I assure him and his nervous eyes bounce between mine. "Whatever it is, it's okay."

He sighs and shakes his head. "I told you that some couples take more time to leave the house. Well, that's not just because they...desire one another." Even now he picks his words carefully and I don't bother tempering my smile at the fact. The sight seems to reassure him as he goes on, "It's also because males get territorial. Rhys, Cassian, and I have all seen males lose their sanity and destroy rooms or more because another male lingered near them."

I blink in surprise but nod that I understand. "So, it's possible that someone may lose a limb tonight?" The tease is well-meant, but worry creases his brow.

"Give me grace, please, Kaira. I won't...I won't mean to be possessive—"

"Hey." I interrupt when I see, when I feel, the hatred for the Illyrians rising up in his chest. Even the Illyrian part of himself. "I know you. I know your nature. If things are a little skewed tonight, that's fine. If it helps, you will be the only male I touch tonight. Alright?" My hands slide over his chest and he relaxes bit by bit. It's so rare for him to get riled up about something and I wonder what I'm really getting myself into. We fly down to the front door and his grip around my waist is tight as we enter the house.

"Finally, we need more rational members of society in the house," Mor says as soon as the door shuts and I smile over at her as she pours herself and Feyre a glass of wine. Clearly not their first, either. Feyre waves with a content smile on her face as Azriel helps me with my coat before we put them away. For this occasion, I decided to wear a dress.

The color is a mix between blue and green, but so dark you can only tell when the light hits it a certain way. The sleeves flow down to my elbow and sway prettily with my every movement. The back is cut in a square all the way down to the small of my back and the front is cut similarly to show off my tattoo. The rest of the fabric flows down to the floor and is surprisingly light, so it doesn't weigh me down at all. Very important for flying. However, if I'd known how worried Azriel was, maybe I would have shown less skin.

"Are you counting yourself in that group?" I tease and she rolls her eyes as we walk in the room. My eyes widen at Varian standing comfortably beside Amren in her chair and quickly return his tilted head before looking away when Az tugs me a bit closer by my waist.

"Just glad to see the two of you could pry yourselves apart to join us." Cassian jabs with a playful grin on his face even as Rhys sighs. Our High Lord is surveying Azriel carefully, ready to take action should it be needed.

"Glad to see you got that soot off your face." Az returns and I grin at the reminder while gently guiding him to the opposite side of the couch from Cassian. Mor snickers while Feyre slides closer to her mate to continue the conversation they're having with Varian.

Az's eyes are slightly apologetic as he sits on the couch, then tugs on my hips in silent request that I sit in his lap. "Where did you think I'd sit?" I ask quietly and I'm glad to see that tiny smile when I settle down. Mor pops up and kindly gifts me a wine glass before plopping herself between us and Cassian with her golden curls bouncing. Once again, I'm grateful for her friendship.

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