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I take a deep breath while fiddling with the bottom of Az's shirt hanging off my frame as I sit on the bed watching him get dressed. "It'll be fine, heart." He assures me for the fifth time as he walks over and cradles my face in his hands.

I force a smile and shake my head. "I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"It's a big deal, but everything will be fine. This is family." He soothes, eyes warm and sparkling as one of his hands drifts down to slide over my stomach. We're headed to the townhouse for a family dinner tonight, one of the last before Mor leaves for Vallahan. A month has passed since Az and I found out that we're having a baby and we haven't told anyone yet. That's what tonight is supposed to be.

"And you're okay with making the stop beforehand?" I ask him another time and he sighs as my hands slide down his chest.

"Yes. Although I'm not sure why she's first."

A smile tugs at my lips. "It's Nesta. If she isn't first, then she'll think she's last and I've barely seen her this month. She's as much my family as everyone else." He nods and trades places with me so I can get dressed. Reluctantly, I exchange Az's scent-filled shirt for a flowing shirt and similar pants to fit the warm spring weather. Both are the same shade as Azriel's syphons and I know he notices when I see his eyes sparkle before I'm being nudged back to the bed by the dogs. I wave them off back to the fireside with a firm look. "You are not allowed to come since you stole that turkey from the kitchen." I chide and slide a hand over their heads as they settle back down with a huff. They'd been protective ever since I came back from the Rite, as if my scent had changed just enough so that they could smell the baby. Sweet as it is, I have enough protectors to deal with.

Az tugs my hand and I blow the hounds kisses before we head out.

I'm still grounded, but Az has only been sent on one mission since I came back from the Rite so I've been able to stay in our house. I have the sneaking suspicion that Rhys has allowed the lapse because he knows how much we need to be around each other right now. Even if he doesn't know the reason why just yet. Cassian and I had slowly gotten better around one another as I prove I did listen to everything he's told me. It's been hard winning him back, but more than worth it. He even asked me to spar the other day which led to us deciding it's time to tell everyone. I'll be showing soon anyway.

We arrive at Nesta's shit apartment and Az oscillates in the doorway before I smile and tug him in. We'd been setting new boundaries, being more open, and my happiness grows every day. We're working through Az's new bout of protectiveness and my understanding of it, but I still feel free. Neither of us limits the other.

I knock lightly on Nesta's door and when there's no answer, I push it open. "I can hear your book pages turning." I greet her as we step in to find her sitting under the window with a book in her hands.

"I'm not going." She states without looking up from her book.

I sigh and leave Az at the door to walk over and stand in front of her. "I figured, which is why I came here first. Not to convince you," I assure her when her blue-grey eyes turn to me. "But to tell you my news."

Her eyes cut to Az guarding the door before she finally sets her book down. "Have you found another deadly competition to enter?" She asks and I hum a soft laugh while Az shakes his head.

"Slightly better news, in my opinion." I feel Az at my back when my nerves surge and I lean back into his comfort. "I'm pregnant." I rip off the bandage with my hands clasped tight in front of me as hope and nerves collide in my stomach.

She blinks as her eyes flit from Az's face to mine before she swallows. "Why tell me?" Her words are quiet and soft.

"Because you're my family." I answer her immediately only for her lips to flatten. A minute or two passes before she picks up her book and flips to where she was.

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