Chapter Ten-Secrets and Lies

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The first thing he does is looked shocked. Then, icy calculation takes its place. "Why would I do that when you haven't earned it?"

I settle in a chair so I'm lower than him and in a weaker position. I've learned this game well since coming to Velaris. "We both know about the rumors passing through the camps. There's discontent. Soon, it'll come to a head and you will have to deal with it along with the General and the High Lord." His face gives away nothing but for the tiniest crinkling of his nose with distaste. "We know who is causing the disruption. He'll be in it. Put me up and I'll kill him during the Rite. You know that I'm capable of at least that. The discontent will vanish without anyone's interference." Interference that would break Cassian and crush Rhys to take part in. Not to mention how Azriel would feel.

Devlon stares at me and I stare back without flinching. "And what would you do after that? The Blood Rite is vicious and few survive. What makes you think a...female could do so?" He says female with such doubt that it makes my blood boil, but I rein it in. This is a game I have to play and win.

"I probably won't, but that'll only solve another problem for you. If I die, which is likely, you won't have to deal with me anymore." There's a light in his eyes now and I know I've hooked him.

Dark eyes look over me and the hair on the back of neck rises at the appraisal. "You know...I can smell him on you." He says calmly, but my body goes still. Devlon rises and walks around me, fingers grazing my right wing as he goes. "Can even smell that he's still inside you even though it's an old deposit." My stomach rolls as he talks about my body like a bank, like an object. His heavy steps echo the pounding of my heart in my ears as he returns with a tea kettle and pours us both a cup before sitting back down. I don't move when he leans forward slightly and that light in his eyes grows into a burning. "If you wanted to be away from them, I'd take you in. You and I..." His head shakes and I swallow the bile rising in my throat as he reaches across the table so his fingers brush mine. "You're a strong female, a shadowsinger, and our offspring would be the strongest of them all. I'm an honorable male. You'd be well treated."

"You mistake my intentions, Lord Devlon." I stop him before he can go on and I spill my guts over the table. "I don't offer myself to escape them, but to spare them."

The fire dies and goes still as his eyes bore into me for a few minutes after he pulls back. Neither of us move. "And what about them? What will they think of this plan?" He asks and I don't look away when I answer.

"They have nothing to say about it because they won't know until it's too late," I state and his eyes narrow, but he says nothing. He stands when I do and stares when I offer my hand. "Do we have a bargain, Lord Devlon?" I wait with baited breath as his eyes lift to mine and the corner of his mouth lifts.

"We do." He agrees and turns away from my outstretched hand while I feel that strange tingling of a tattoo appearing on my skin. I look down and lift my pants to find a solid black line wrapping around my right ankle. Like a shackle. "Now, get out." Devlon bids and I see him frown at the tattoo that he'll now have as well.

"Remember to keep that hidden," I tell him and his mouth opens to reply, but I've already winnowed out. My hands shake along with the rest of my body as I think about Devlon's offer, the way he looked at me, what he said, and fight the rising nausea in my gut. With a new, potentially deadly, secret now on my shoulders that I absolutely can't tell anyone, I go to the only place where secrets go to die.

I appear directly in her bedroom and am surprised to find she found a male for the night even with it being so late. Her eyes snap open and her mouth opens in a snarl, but then she seems to really look at me. "Get out." She spits and shoves the sleeping male onto the floor. He jerks awake and opens his mouth only for Nesta to truly snarl this time. In a fleeting minute, the male actually jumps out the window. I would laugh if I didn't think I was going to throw up. "Kaira. What happened?" She asks and walks over while quickly tying her robe around her.

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