Chapter Fourteen-Plan of Action

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Cassian comes into my home long enough to complain that the place smells like sex, say it suits us, tease me a little more about Tia while he, Az, and I have a drink, then he gets tossed out on his ass by Azriel. When the doors close, Az is pressing his fingers to his temples while I hold in a giggle. "I would have thought that you built up a tolerance for him by now." I tease and he follows as I walk to the bedroom to slip into something more comfortable.

"You underestimate Cassian." He returns and I shoot him a grin over my shoulder as he settles on the bed in front of the closet, head in his hands.

"I could give you a massage." I offer and he hums, not lifting his head. My hand skims over my clothes before I see a box sitting under them. A slow smile works its way onto my face as I look through the pile of lingerie Mor gave me before choosing a scandalous nightie. "Was that a yes or a no, love?" I ask as I slip it on, then lean against the doorway to wait for him to look up.

He takes a breath as his hands fall and his eyes flick up to me, but no noise leaves his parted lips. A smile teases the edges of mine as I pull my curls over my shoulder. I'd learned he appreciates my hair the most when it's up, but when we're together all he wants is to run his hands through the wild curls. He sets my body on fire as his eyes slowly pan down, then back up to my simmering eyes. "Still thinking of Cassian? I could go get him—" I walk towards the door and laugh when his arms wrap around my waist as his lips glide onto my neck.

That afternoon our lovemaking is lazy and devoted before we tear ourselves away from one another to attend dinner at the townhouse with everyone. Most everyone. Nesta has sealed herself away into her little burrow once again and it's doubtful she'll return here anytime soon. A fact that I know Cassian is well aware of when I catch him staring where she sat the last time she was here. I make sure to sit near him most of the evening to give him whatever reassurance I can.

When we all retire to the couches, Azriel gives me up so Cassian can keep me tucked to his side while my mate must settle for my feet. Rhys seems a bit jealous of the attention before Mor settles her feet in his lap with Feyre wrinkling her nose on his other side. The evening fades and everyone turns in, but I gift Az the task of hauling Cassian upstairs while I tug Rhys off to the side as Feyre says goodbye to Mor.

Rhysand's eyes are sparkling with curiosity and wine as we halt while I bring out the Illyrian bow I nicked from the Steppes. "Cassian said you mastered this," I state more than ask as he takes the heavy weapon into his hands.

He nods slowly. "Yes. After many years." His violet eyes flick to mine as he quirks a brow. "Do you want to learn?" He offers and I shrug.

"When you teach me about my magic. Why not add in bow lessons?" I suggest as his hand slides down the carved wood before he hands it back to me and I tuck it back into a shadowy pocket. His eyes search me as deeply as if he were searching my mind, but I keep my face casually interested. "You wouldn't mind a little extra bonding, would you?" I prod and a smile breaks across his face.

"With you? Of course not." He spares me a wink when I return his smile. I feel a little guilty at using bonding time to learn something I'll use in the Rite, but I convince myself it's not a lie. Spending more time with him is something I'm glad to do. It's just also helpful. "I'll teach you, but you have to have some balance with your day to day. You already do a lot, little sister."

I smirk as my favorite activity descends the stairs and I peck Rhysand's cheek before walking over to claim my mate's hand. "Balance. Got it." He looks over his brother and I swear I can see the joy coming out of his eyes before he waves us both out.

"Tomorrow then." He shoos while he lets predatory eyes settle on Feyre slowly walking up the stairs.

Azriel and I walk out as I laugh softly while Mor wrinkles her nose at the smell leaking off both of them. Once in the street, we tug each other close and decide to walk back to the house instead of flying to enjoy one another's company.

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