Chapter Five-Freedom

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My shadows guide me to the right place and my hands start shaking the second I arrive at the top of the stairs. The Hybern fort is relatively abandoned, but people still mill about here and there. But not here. Not at the top of these stairs.

Endless darkness stretches out before me and I take a deep breath before starting down the steps. "You are not alone." My shadows assure me and I cling to that as I descend. I have darkness of my own now too. My shadows writhe around me and I let them explore as I peek in every empty cage in search for my own. "We know this place well. Many died here. Many feared here."

"Yes." I agree mutely. "Including me." I may not have died here, but the person I was before did. She died with her family, then her husk was used and abused until I was reborn different. Made different.

"We were born here as well. Here, and in many places like this." My shadows go on and my apprehension fades a moment in favor of curiosity. I know my magic is different, but they don't usually speak to me like this. "We're close now." They warn and my steps freeze as I lift my head to see a cell at the end of the hall. One with a skeleton still on the far wall. "There is no need to fear the past when you are fear itself."

Logically, I know that's true, but my body still shakes as it did all that time ago in the freezing cold. Each step closer sends a drop of dread dripping down my spine until I'm standing in front of it and my muscles are starting to ache with how I'm clenching them. Memories flash through my mind and I struggle not to panic.

"Kaira, are you alright?" Azriel's worried voice comes over the bond and I block him from seeing where I am. Still, his voice allows me to breathe a little easier.

"I will be. I'm not in danger." I tell myself as much as him.

A beat passes and I feel him warring with himself. "Where are you? I'm about to leave for the townhouse." He says and I take another few cleansing breaths before pressing my lips together.

Azriel has put so much trust in me again and again. I can trust him with this. "I'm in Hybern." There's another pause as pure shock courses through him.

"Where in Hybern?" This question is chosen carefully and has me sighing.

"You know where, Azriel."

"I'm coming."

"No, you are not." These words are said aloud and I flinch at the echo down the halls. "I need to do this on my own."


"I need to do this. I can do it."

"I know that. You can do anything, but you don't have to do it alone."

Tears prick my eyes at the sentiment, but I'm adamant about this. "I need to know that I can do it on my own. I love you. I'll see you soon." I promise and he's silent before I feel him pull away.

"He understands. He has been caged as well." My shadows say and at least the distraction stopped my trembling. I nod to them and move to the door to push it open.

The creaking makes me flinch, but I don't hesitate before walking inside. "I know. It's not that I don't trust him or want him here, but I don't want him to see a cage and be reminded of his own. The same reason I didn't bring Rhys." My eyes look over the cell and the skeleton within it before my shadows slither over it. "Who were they?"

Darkness takes its time washing over her before tendrils return to me. "A young woman. Someone not much different than you, but who did not have the strength to survive." Flashes of memory assail me and panic begins to creep in again. A loud clang has me spinning around to see the door shut. I'm instantly there and yanking on the door.

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