Chapter Nineteen-Spice

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*SPICE! Skip chapter if allergic! ;)*

Azriel lets me climb onto the bed and lay how I want. I choose on my stomach so my wings are free to move and free for him to touch. Long fingers brush my right wing and I shiver at the barest of touches. "Wings first. Is that alright?" He asks softly and I nod while opening my mind to him so he can read my comfort levels himself. My wing is pliant under his hand and I smell something sweet before he smooths cream onto my wing. I can't stop my hum of approval as he smears it over the muscles with tender hands.

My thighs clench when his hand ghosts over the peak of my wing and his own pleasure flits through my head at my reaction. "Az," I complain when he leaves the spot and my eyes open to catch his expression when a husky chuckle leaves his lips. Desire and fondness smolder in his hazel eyes, but until he's ready, I'm content to remain pliant under his hands. He finishes with my right wing and wetness pools between my thighs as he does the same treatment for my left. "Azriel." I protest as his hands slide onto my feet even as he turns me into jelly.

"What's this?" He asks as his fingers glide over the tattoo on my ankle.

My mind races. "Not the most pressing thing on my mind right now."

He chuckles. "We're going at my pace, Kaira." He reminds me and I groan as his hands knead my calves before gliding up nearer where I want him. He passes by my heat to squeeze my ass which has me dragging my bottom lip between my teeth. When he straddles me so his hands can coast over my back, my hips lift to try and entice him to where I want, but he only presses me down into the bed to continue his work.

"Cruel mate." I bid and smile at the amusement that flows through his mind.

"Your mate." He rumbles into my ear as his naked body lays over mine. I feel every inch of him, every muscle, the soft caress of hair on his chest, all the way down to where strong thighs flank my own. His weight shifts and I whimper at the feeling of his fingers at my opening. Yet he continues his torture by dragging the rough pads of his fingers around my sex, every slight dip into me sending hope and electricity shooting through me only to end up with him pulling away again.

"More," I beg softly, jolting when his fingers graze my clit. "Az, I need more." He chuckles, but the sound is a little strained even as he pulls away to press his lips over the curve of my ass right over that bruise. He painstakingly slides two fingers into me and now his breathing turns ragged.

"Beautiful." Everything he wants to say is caught up in that one word. My hands are fisting the sheets and close to ripping them to shreds when his fingers slide fully into me. "Mine." He growls and I whimper at his gruff voice as his fingers slide slowly in and out of me. I realize that he needs this just as much as I do. Needs to claim me after everything that's happened this past week in order to remind ourselves who we belong to, who we've given ourselves to.

"Yours." I breathe in return, yelping when his fingers move faster and go deeper to ignite a spark in my gut. His feet hit the floor and he uses one hand to pull me to the edge of the bed without stopping. He uses both hands now as his fingers pump into me and his other swirls around my clit. "More. So close, Az, please." I beg and nearly cry when one hand vanishes only to be replaced by his mouth.

The tip of his tongue traces around my clit and I barely hear the popping of threads in the sheets as they begin to rip. Then he plants his mouth on me, fingers pumping hard and fast, before I splinter. My ears ring while pleasure crashes over me like ocean waves on a sandy shore. I pull my wings tight against my body as my fingers curl in along with my toes as I crest the pleasure like a rogue breeze taking me higher than I've ever been before.

It feels like a full minute before I become aware of my body again and feel Azriel's fingers still inside me as he presses kisses to my thighs. My wings relax as my entire body goes limp and pliant once again. "How many more do you have in you, heart?" He asks softly and I wake up a bit at the sound of a challenge.

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