Chapter Fifteen-Looming Shadow

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My limbs feel more like jelly than they have in a long while since I'd gained endurance from my days of training. Cassian didn't lie when he said he wasn't going to hold back. Az and Rhysand are out doing whatever they do and Mor claimed Cassian for lunch, so after an hour with the pups, I head to the townhouse. I shuffle into the kitchen and thankfully don't get pelted with dough this time. Nuala and Cerridwen are flowing smoothly around the room while Elain is bent over the counter with furrowed brows.

"It smells amazing in here," I comment and the icing Elain is carefully applying spurts out all over the tart.

"Ugh!" She exclaims and pulls back, raising a hand to tuck a strand of brown hair behind her ear and staining it green from the icing.

I grimace as I come to the other side of the counter. "Sorry about that." She sighs and waves off my apology while leaning back with her eyes shut a moment.

"No, it's fine. That one will just be a taste tester." She cuts the tart in half and offers me a side. I don't bother trying to be polite and shove the half in my mouth as Elain blinks. Warmth fills my mouth along with sharp spice and cinnamon before I hum happily.

Elain smiles. "I'll add this to my list of Kaira-approved desserts."

I quirk an eyebrow and suck off a bit of icing from my finger. "I have a list?"

Red brushes Elain's cheeks as she shrugs. "I noticed that you're a little pickier than everyone else. You rarely go for the sweeter treats and opt more for the savory. This one is a pumpkin tart." I stare openly at her as the tips of her ears brush pink as well, but I'm really just surprised that she noticed. "I was actually going to bring you a batch over later today. Green ones." She gestures over to the edge of the counter where I spot a glistening batch of tarts with emerald green icing drying on top.

"Thank you," I murmur, touched. She smiles and shrugs.

"Azriel helped me figure out which ones you liked as well. I asked him before he and Rhysand left this morning." A soft smile tugs at my lips. Of course, Azriel has noticed. "Feyre told me what you did for Nesta. That she ate a little." Her eyes shine as she looks at me and I can't even be upset that Nesta's business is being passed around. "Thank you."

My head shakes as I lean my hip against the counter. "I'd do anything for you and your sisters, but Nesta has to want help in order to get better. You know that. My visits don't change that." The words might be a bit harder than I mean if the twins' glares are any indication, but Elain only sighs softly.

"I know. But she ate and got out. That's more than she does usually and you got her there." She remains firmly in her stance and after a moment, I nod. If I give her hope then I won't push back. Even if the only one who can make a difference in Nesta's life is Nesta. Apparently deciding this topic has run its course, Elain continues, "The blue tarts are for Feyre. She's been up in her office most of the day."

Nuala smirks. "Groaning every so often." Just as she says it, a soft huff floats down the stairs and we all giggle.

I sigh. "Paperwork does that to you." More than likely, that's what I should be doing now. My eyes lift to Elain as I think about her doing so much for everyone else. Sure, she enjoys it, but when did someone last do something for her? Or other people who put all of themselves into others. "Elain," I call for her attention as she starts decorating another type of tart for Feyre.


"Would you help me do something when you're done here?" I smile a little sheepishly when she glances up at me, then stands and hands me a piping bag.

"Help out and I'll help you faster." She dares as I stare at the bag.

My hand gently wraps around it as I walk around the counter to her side. "I hope you aren't expecting any art here," I warn her and she giggles.

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