Chapter Thirteen-Leader's Lead

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That night, I return home and tell Azriel all that happened. He'd seen everything through my eyes, felt my emotions during the moment, but that's all different than saying the words out loud. We talk for hours in bed as he lets me say what I want whether I'm touching him or not. In the end, we fall asleep half sitting up with my body locked around him and my head resting over his heart. Reconciled, at last.

The next day we arrive at the Steppes and Rhysand thankfully told the group to be on their best behavior. The three keep close to me while I keep close to Az, not only to reassure him, but to make sure I can step between him and Devlon if needed. The thought of revenge or punishment leaves all of us, for the time being at least, when we arrive to see girls in the ring. Only six, all doing badly and most frowning, but they're in the ring.

Devlon had delivered on his promise, but this also serves to keep him in his position. Especially if I made known his propositions. Cunning isn't sparing in the male.

"I thought there were more," Az mutters from our place on the far side of the training rings.

"Some left with their families for Solstice," Cassian says with his eyes fixed on the girls in the ring, hissing when they go on with a wrong maneuver without being corrected. "They won't be back for a few more days." He allows and I cross my arms when more mistakes are made without being modified. I promised myself that I'd keep back today and at least try to keep from starting a fight.

"Despite the grumblings in the camps," Rhys starts, gesturing to the training rings where males cower away from the females, "This is a good sign, Cass." He shoots me a look too and I nod in acceptance of the encouragement, but I know Cass and I feel the same when I step forward to his side. That's why we make good partners.

"It will be a good sign," Cass says at last, "when there are twenty girls out there and they've shown up for a month straight."

Azriel snorts, "I'll bet you—"

"No bets," Cassian says. "Not on this." He and my mate stare off for a minute before Az nods and I slide a gentle hand over Cassian's arm. We're united in this.

Rhys steps forward and slings his arm over Cassian's shoulder, jostling us both. "Small steps, brother." He gifts us a grin that doesn't quite meet his eyes. "Small steps." He bids and I happily accept Azriel's hand as he steps forward. We all stay like that for a moment, connected, before one of the girls drops her dagger in the snow and mud while Devlon only sighs.

"Ugh, that's it," I growl and take a step forward the same time that Cassian does, but Rhys snags Cass's collar.

He looks me over and nods. "Let Kaira take care of it." I'm frozen for a moment with surprise, then I'm hurrying across the rings before he changes his mind. I slide into place beside Devlon and he barely gives me a glance.

I pull out one of the daggers on my hips and hold it properly, making sure to flash the sword down my back towards Devlon for good measure. "Hold it as I am," I say gently, well aware that the rest of the women are hiding in their houses from Az and me. However, these females have an edge of something more than fear in their eyes. Maybe a little curiosity.

"This is my session," Devlon growls softly as the females take my instruction and hold the dagger correctly.

My eyes flash as I glance over at him, but I pull it back. Cunning, Kaira. "We're grateful and look forward to the continued improvement. I simply wish to take a personal interest in your female recruits so they turn into great warriors."

His lip curls. "There are no female warriors."

"I am one." I return and wait for his next move, biting my tongue.

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