Chapter Seventeen-Thoughtful

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Feyre leaves me once the cake is frosted and she's stolen a spoon or two of Elain's chocolate frosting. She has her own mate to get home to, after all. Nesta doesn't come out of her room as I set the cake on the table. Dinner is from one of Az and I's favorite places only a few houses down the main street. Since Nesta has apparently sequestered herself away, I take her food upstairs and knock lightly on the door. No answer. I leave it on a table outside and hope she'll retrieve it when she's ready.

For now, I need to get back downstairs before Azriel gets home. I wave away the dogs from the table before my shadows preen and I drape darkness over the table before smiling as Az pokes his head into the room. His eyes surf over the table and I can see the curiosity shining from them from here. "It smells good in here." He comments and walks over to me with eyes now taking in the form-fitting silk dress that barely reaches my knees.

"Good. I have a little surprise for you." My lips press together to keep my smile under control as pleasant surprise flashes across his face.

"For me?" His voice goes all quiet and I can tell he's trying to figure it out even as he slides his arms around me. Pure pleasure flows through me as his eyes alight when he finds my sage dress barely has a back and really only covers my ass.

"Mmhmm." I hum the affirmative even as he distracts me with a gentle, searing kiss. My eyes shut as I take in the feeling of his rough hands sliding over my bare back and my spine arches when his fingers graze the root of my wings.

"You in this dress is surprise enough." He rumbles with his hands sliding back down to skim the edge only to find I don't have anything on underneath said dress.

Az holds me tighter before my eyes open and my hands slide to his biceps. "I'm not the surprise," I tell him and the heat in his eyes takes a backseat to his curiosity. Not that I'm opposed to the direction things were heading. My shadows leak off the table around our dinner plates and he turns with an arm still caught around my waist. "Dinner from our favorite place." I tell him and a smile instantly alights his face simply at that. The rest of my shadows return to me to reveal the, I'll admit it, kind of rough looking cake. "You said that you loved the coffee from the continent because it had a spicy, warmth to it. I couldn't get that, but I thought you'd like a cinnamon coffee cake. Elain helped, so it should actually taste good." One of my hands slides over his wrapped around me as I prattle a bit.

He tugs me with him as he steps closer and my eyes are locked on his face as he takes everything in. "You did this for me?" He asks, hazel eyes glowing as flames from the fireplace dance in the golden depths.

I nod. "Do you like it?" I nudge him with my hip and already feel immense satisfaction at surprising him, but it doesn't mean anything if he doesn't like it.

"Of course, I..." His mind opens to me as our eyes meet and I smile at feeling his happy surprise at my gift. "Thank you." He murmurs and I grin before pushing him gently towards a chair.

"Then sit and eat before your food gets cold." Az sits and I'm about to turn for my own seat when he tugs me back to press a deep kiss to my lips that has me forgetting what I was about to do. His smile is luminous as he tugs my usual chair to the corner of the table and we finally sit down to eat.

"I arranged for us to go out tomorrow evening. For your first lesson." He says and I light up.

"Really? Where are we going?"

The corner of his mouth ticks. "I'll save that for tomorrow. We'll leave when you come back from escorting Cassian to the Steppes." A knowing look is in his eye despite the fact that I never told him I was going with Cass. He knows me too well.

"Thank you." His eyes sparkle at making me happy and the fact that he can read me so easily. With the exception of the major secret Cassian and I will be keeping. I note Az continuously staring at his cake and I push that thought to the back of my mind. "It is yours, you know. You can have some whenever you want." I remind him and he pauses only a moment more before cutting me a slice, then himself. I wait with baited breath as he slides a piece onto a fork, then takes a bite. The room is completely silent but for the crackling fire and Az keeps his face a smooth mask just to torture me.

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