Chapter Twenty-Future

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We don't move the entire night and neither of us wants to move in the morning. Unfortunately, I have an appointment with Cassian and Rhysand today. It only takes me a few tries to convince Az to carry me into the bathroom and climb into the warm bath where I finally make good on my promise to bath him.

When we're done and I have to stand by myself, my legs wobble and knees shake when I bend them. Az chuckles softly at the visible evidence of his work as I slip on my Illyrian leathers. "I believe I won, by the way." He comments while leaning in the doorway with his own leathers already on.

I sigh while tying off my braid and stretching a bit to try and get rid of some of the soreness. "Bout time you won some of our challenges." I tease and smirk when the corner of his mouth turns down. "But you have made practice today more difficult for your mate. Don't you feel any shame?" His answering smile tells me his answer and I'm glad to see he isn't making himself feel guilty. I certainly don't mind the reminder of what we did last night.

"Thank you." He says and I glance up from tying off my boots to find a soft expression on his face.

"For?" I ask as my brows furrow. He walks over and reaches up to claim a little curl that's already escaped my braid, pulling it before releasing the ringlet as he always does.

"For trusting me." He whispers and a smile blooms on my face.

I slide my hands onto his before guiding them to my face, sighing happily at the feeling of him. "Of course." He's shown me nothing but patience, kindness, and love. He has more than earned my trust.

His eyes gleam as he leans down to kiss me, then sighs. "Time to go."

I smirk and step back, a little more confident in my muscles. "At least I'm heading to a nice breakfast."

Az ruffles his wings and I quirk a brow at him when he smiles crookedly. "Thought you would have gotten enough to eat this morning."

My cheeks brush red even as I laugh and shove him off. "Best get going before I take a bite out of you this time."

He grins and dips his head to kiss just in front of my ear. "Don't think I'd mind, heart."

My hand reaches out to grab his collar and drag his lips back to mine, but he vanishes just as the fabric brushes my fingers. I huff and shake my head, but I'm smiling. "You'll pay for that later." His dark chuckle drifts across the bond before I winnow as well to arrive in Illyria.

Cassian is waiting for me with a big breakfast at the ready as he promised, but he frowns when he sees how slow I'm moving. "Everything alright, little sister? You haven't gotten in any brawls lately, have you?" His words are half-serious and half-teasing.

My eyes roll as I settle down at the table with a sigh. "Blame your brother for my state this morning." His expression clears completely before a wide grin takes over his face.

"Ah, that kind of brawl, then. From the state of you, I'd say he won this time?"

I slap his arm and his laughter fills the cabin as I fill myself with eggs, toast, and a variety of meats. "Shut it. He's sore too. He's just...more used to it than I am." I've never asked about his previous activities before me, but I'm aware he's had more practice at this than I have. Usually, it doesn't bother me, but I won't lie and say I haven't gotten a little jealous before.

"You'll learn soon enough. Especially at the rate you and Az go at." That earns him a kick under the table, but I join in this time as his roaring laugh fills the air. We finish breakfast and head outside where he gently binds my wings before we get to it.

I do better today. He only manages to put me into ten positions that would mean my death rather than the dozens from yesterday. "Keep improving like this and we'll move onto survival skills by next week. That's what you'll need the most help on, anyway." He comments while turning meat over the fire we'd set outside so I can know when something is cooked or not. Even though I should think long and hard about setting a fire while alone in the woods anyway, so says my trainer. Many things are attracted to it that would mean me harm. I store every scrap of information he gives me in preparation for the Rite.

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