Tʜᴇ sᴛʏʟɪsᴛ- ɴᴄᴛ/ʏᴜᴛᴀ ᴘᴛ2

962 22 1

Genre: Fluff?
I have no warnings.
Short Chapter since i really didn't want to continue this one 😭
I froze up at the words girlfriend. Was i not his girlfriend?.

". Um.. I'll be there" Yuta says as all his members are looking around at each other in disbelief. My face was burning, i felt the embarrassment.

Yuta came up and gave me a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear "It's not what you think it is baby i swear" Then he walked away.


"I-I'm sure it's a misunderstanding... Y/n" Johnny says lowly .

How can that be a misunderstanding.

Yuta walked back in the room with a girl tailing behind him . She was your standard beauty girl.

Long lashes, Blonde,silky hair. Very slim body. Plump lips with lip gloss to lather them up. Lighter skin. And a crop top with jeans.

Yuta sighed. "This.. is Lindsey".

"Hi.." All his members said awkwardly.

"Uh.. Lindsey this is Y/n" Yuta stuck out his hand presenting her to me.

He forgot to mention girlfriend.

"So this is the wonderful stylist you've always told me about?" She says licking her pearly whites as she walked up to me and smiled brightly showing them.

So, he talks about me ... with his other girlfriend ? As just a stylist?

She stuck her hand out and looked me into my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Lindsey, i've heard a lot about you" She says.

"Y/n ... I have never heard of you actually." I stated.

Yuta's eyes shot open at my statement.

"No? well, it's not surprising. no one really walks around bragging about their siblings unless they're famous" She giggled.

"Sibling???" Me and his members asked.

"Oh.. Oh my god" She laughed to herself.

"You guys.. thought ... i was Yuta's girlfriend ?" She laughed even harder.

Yuta chuckled and facepalmed his head.

"Well, you told the guard you were his girlfriend" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah. it's the only way they would let me back here, If i were to say sibling they would tell me i could wait but Yuta advised i say girlfriend so i can get in and , it worked" She shrugged.

I sighed in relief.

"So.. Are YOU the mysterious girlfriend?" She cocked an eyebrow and questioned me.

I felt a thump travel from my throat down to my stomach from this one question.

I felt nervous as i had never met his family before. Plus, our relationship wasn't necessarily out there since members dating staff is technically against the kpop rules.

I looked into Yuta's eyes for help. I searched in his eyes for it yet he have me nothing but a shrug.


"Yes. She is" Yuta said as he walked up to me kissing me on the cheek earning a awe from his sister and all his members.

My face started to burn. I felt so embarrassed for him to do this in front of this many people.

"Cute! Here's my number we should definitely get to know each other a bit more when you have the chance yeah?" She offered as she wrote it down and gave it to me.

"Yeah, Of course" I smiled and looked at Yuta with relief.

Lesson learned here; Never take a permanent opinion from first impressions.

The End

(SLOW UPDATES) ᴀᴍʙᴡ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs,ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs.✌︎︎☺︎︎Where stories live. Discover now