H E R pt2

471 13 6

Same warnings as last time

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Same warnings as last time


Zulu woke up to the sound of a ringing phone. She slowly opened her eyes remembering all the actions her and Yoongi went through last night. She touched her lips as she looked up to him who was fast asleep letting out faint snores.

She looked over to find out it was Yoongi's phone that was ringing. She looked at him with a distasteful stare, who was calling him at 7am!?

She reached over to grab his phone.

Just then she felt a hand grab her arm making her gasp. She looked up at Yoongi, who still had his eyes closed.

"Dont. fucking. touch it." He let out throwing her arm back to where she laid at.

He sat up and got out of bed with just his basketball shorts on, no drawls, no shirt, just shorts.

He grabbed his phone as he walked into the bathroom.

Zulu instantly got pissed, he wanted her back so bad but was still doing the same shit that pushed her away in the first place. She got up and put her ear to the door.



"Yeah, i told you not to call me this early"

"Yeah i'm at her house .."

Zulu's eyes widened at that, who the hell was he talking to and why were they concerned about him being at her house.

"I already told you I was gonna get back with her Ziyah why are you still calling?"

Zulu's heart stopped at the name.

She recognized it as no other than her sister, the same one he cheated on her with years ago.  Just the fact they still kept in touch angered Zulu. Just as she heard him say bye she stood there looking down at the floor. Trying to find her words. Because at this point, she was sure there were none to describe how she was feeling.

He opened the door and widened his eyes at her standing there. He didn't know what to do and he didn't know how to explain what she may have just heard, but what else was there to explain? Her sister and him had to have something going on for her to still be worried about where he is and who he's with.

"Shit." He said. "Shit? That's all you gotta say?"

He leaned on the door way as she stood with her arms crossed, obviously pissed.

"What else you want me to say? How much did you hear" He said to her closing and locking his phone sliding it in his pocket all while keeping eye contact with her.

She looked away quickly trying to escape his gaze. She knew it would have her changing her mind, on her back with her legs in the air in no time.

He licked over his lips walking up to her grabbing her chin, lifting it to meet his lustful slender eyes.

He then bent down to her ears nibbling softly on her earlobe.

"I asked you a question lulu" He said lowly.

She squeezed her legs together feeling the wetness pool up in her underwear. "I..um" She murmured not able to form her words. At this point she no longer cared about whatever it was her sister and him had talked about. She wanted him, and now.


"Yoongi.. mm yes" She moaned into his ear as he thrusted in her with no remorse.

"You.. mm.. had a smart ass mouth earlier" He said into her ear speeding up his thrusts. They wanted each other so bad.

"Fuck!" She screamed out as she came for like the eighth time on their 3rd round. She was overstimulated and he was too.

He unloaded himself in her as he plopped down next to her, not pulling out, but choosing to do cockwarming with her.

He rubbed her back as they looked up at the ceiling.

"Why were you on the phone with her" Zulu suddenly broke the comfortable silence. Yoongi took a deep sigh before stating what he had to say, which would be the truth.

"She's been trying to keep in contact with me since me and you broke up, I used her as a booty call about 4 times during our break up but i guess i let her get too comfy thinking that she was more to me than a distraction. I thought about you 24/7 and her pussy will never be better than yours. Honestly she's just obsessed." He said softly continuing to rub her back to smooth her, still trying to calm her half shaking body from her intense orgasms.

Zulu nodded, she no longer cared.

You think you can change a guy, that he'll be different with you, That you'll be the one to finally tame him. And before you know it, you're alone in your underwear at nine o clock on a saturday night crying to adele songs eating ice cream straight from the gallon and wondering what the hell is the matter with you that you fell for such a goddamned man-child after he explicitly warned you not to.
-Julie Johnson.

... mhm.

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