you stain their sheets- BTS

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A BTS imagine...
Maknae line <3
Lucky double update
you stain their sheets caused by an unexpected visit of your period , how will each member react?
Warning for: Smut-ish, very descriptive context


- You were sitting on your boyfriends bed nervously as you waited for him to come back

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- You were sitting on your boyfriends bed nervously as you waited for him to come back.

You were only 18 spending the night at your boyfriend, Jimin's house. His parents were leaving for the weekend and your and his parents agreed that it was okay for you to keep him company, he doesn't like being alone and you absolutely enjoy his company.

This was only your second time at Jimin's house, or at least while his parents weren't there and you were scared and innocent. Jimin on the other hand? completely different.

He was well known as he was on the soccer team and also since his father owned the school you both went to, every girl in the school wanted him.

You were the introvert who got straight A's and that every girl who wanted Jimin was jealous of. With your bouncy light brown curls followed by your thick stomach and thighs and dark skin which glistened in the sun. No matter how many girls wanted Jimin, Jimin wanted you.

Jimin came back upstairs closing his door and smiling at you. "They're gone?" You asked, which he nodded in response.

"And i'm horny" He smirked at you kissing on your neck very gently.

You were still a virgin and had to remind Jimin of it many times since he was a hornball 24/7.

Although your body nor mind wanted to stop him this time.

You let him kiss you down your exposed cleavage as you let out everly so soft moans. "J-Jimin.." You began. He stopped to look up at you. Yes he was a hornball but, he'd never do anything without your full giving consent.

"If you wanna stop we can.." He dragged off his words kissing on your neck. "Or we could keep going" He said finishing his sentence. You nodded letting him know he had consent to continue.

You tangled your fingers in his hair as he kissed on your stomach. You felt his hands hook around the waistband of your biker shorts as he slowly slid them off.

suddenly he had a confused look on his face tilting his head to the side looking up at you.

you instantly got scared. "what.. what w-what is it?" You sat up looking down noticing you had just started your period and bled through your underwear. You jumped off of his bed before it could stain his sheets opening the door taking off downstairs to his mothers bathroom where you were sure some pads were.

(SLOW UPDATES) ᴀᴍʙᴡ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs,ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs.✌︎︎☺︎︎Where stories live. Discover now