3.14 Special spot

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Jungkook's point of view-
Y/n told me to stay, I remember as if it was yesterday her beautiful eyes let go of those painful tears. I don’t know if she likes me or not, but I can see that her happiness is from time to time fake and it makes me worry about her even if she won't believe me.

If I could do it over again I would because then I would have stayed away from her. Who am I trying to lie to? I would spend each day with Y/n because I know we will have to leave each other.

These tears she cried should be happy tears and her rare smile should have always been in my sight. Maybe if I worked a bit harder I would have been able to bring her along with me and our relationship would have been stronger than ever.

I blame myself for leaving but I blame Y/n for not trying to find me during these years because I went to every country looking for her.

I found her when she applied for a job here and I thought she came back to me, but it was a reminder that she is no longer mine. I hate thinking about this, I need to get out of her.

Namjoon: *whispering* Where are you going so late?

Jungkook: I need some fresh air, I will then go to my house. I will call when I get there

Namjoon: Fresh air or a time-out?

Jungkook: both maybe *leaves*

Author’s point of view-
Jungkook felt bad because his feelings were bad. Being greedy and selfish comes with the fact that you can't let go of someone you truly love.

Being an idol and being with Y/n could cause her problems when they go out in the public for all kind of reasons. He wants deeply to be happy for them but just as deep does he want Y/n to be with him and nobody else.

Not because of jealousy but because he truly loves Y/n. But he went to a place with many memories, good memories that warm the inner part of him.

Jungkook: Never been a place where you can drive too *exhales*

Jungkook: no one is even here, she used to be here

*******: You like to stay here, don’t you. After all, you stalked me when I came here to get my head of the bullshit in my life *walks near him*

Jungkook: (Is it her?) *looks behind* Why are you here?

Y/n: I used to ask you that but did you leave? No, you stayed here with me for hours so I am wondering why you are back in my spot? *gives him a jacket*

Jungkook:  I don’t need a jacket *shivers*

Y/n: if you are being like me a stubborn asshole then be one, I am not like you. I won't place the jacket on you like you are a b-

Jungkook: *takes on the jacket* What are you doing here? Did you follow me?

Y/n: I didn’t follow you but I felt like you would be here *sits down*

Jungkook: You remember the first time I came here?

Y/n: It’s impossible to forget that a stalker stalked me all the way to this hill

Jungkook: I only followed you cause you came out here without a jacket

Y/n: I did the same today, I guess we are equal. Why did you come here?

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