𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚔

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A/N lightly based off of "when he sees me" from the waitress^^

"Take off
Last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first
Full charge
Electric hammer to the heart"

"nini, i swear, if i hear you listen to that song one more time, i will slap the life out of that tiny body of yours." 

nini salazar-roberts glanced up from her phone in surprise at her friends tone, but then again, it was kind of a common thing to hear from her. "oh leave me be, gina." she scoffed gently. "i just like their song writing, that's all. it's.... inspirational." 

if inspirational comes in the form of watching the video over and over again just to see the same boy run his fingers through his hair, then there is nothing wrong with that statement. 

from the corner of nini's bedroom, kourtney let out a light snort while brushing her fingertips with a dark purple polish. "it's okay, nini," she directed towards the little, brunette girl. "you can just admit you are like every other girl in the school and are slightly starstruck for bowen." 

annnnd bingo. 

nini couldn't help the way her cheeks flushed immediately just by his name. everyone knew his name, and everyone always swooned just a little when it was said. ricky bowen; it rolls off the tongue so gracefully, so perfectly. or, at least nini thought so, for sure. she never really liked the name 'ricky' until she met him. it just fit him so well; his demeanor, his style, the way he holds himself. she couldn't imagine a more perfect name for mr. perfect. 

but if we are being frank, she actually hasn't met him, met him. she doesn't necessarily plan to either. she prefers witnessing him, per say, at a safe and comfortable distance. she liked it better that way. she could watch him without him seeing her, she could hear his bell like laugh not too loudly, not too softly, but just right. and, even from the distance, she could she his big brown eyes sparkle. 

she had a minor crush on him. just a small one, if that wasn't obvious.

"what's so wrong with that?" nini asked her friends shyly, flopping onto her back as she laid on her bed. her yearbook had been turned to the dog eared page where his picture was, and she couldn't help but sigh as he smiled through the page. nini never understood how he was so photogenic, but she wasn't surprised. he seemed to be flawless. 

gina eyed nini with slightly disgust as nini ogled over a yearbook photo. "what's wrong with it is that he's never going to know you exist." she told her bluntly. 

of course. the lovely, harsh reality.

nini rolled her eyes. she was used to her friends telling her this, but she admitted it to herself ages ago. she, personally, had no problem with him never noticing her. she didn't mind it at all, as long as she could still admire him.

you are probably a little confused. 

this 'ricky' figure isn't a jock. he isn't a nerd. he isn't popular for his humor, but he is slightly popular for his looks, that being only slightly. there is more to it than that. 

a lot more actually; this man decided to surpass all the main reasons to be popular. he went above and beyond, all the way to the tip top of the food chain called east high. 

ricky bowen is the main singer in a band called 'dream lively', that he founded, has quite the following for, and he even has a manager.

not to mention he also plays to guitar. i mean, can you really go wrong? 

the second ricky opened his mouth and showed his voice to the world, everyone new he was going to be big someday. not to mention, he had the best personality of anyone that nini had ever me- witnessed. he has a huge heart and a kind soul; one day, she saw him walking a kid who was in a boot to his class by giving him a piggyback ride, just because the boy said his arms hurt from the crutches. him and his band played at every charity event hosted by the school, every dance, and every other gig they could. nini would be lying if she said that she didn't go to some of them.

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