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"okay but you have to agree with me that when he went to catch her, and the spiderweb went out in like a little hand thingy, like it was reaching for her too, that was CRAZY cinematography. like, beyond the walls of creativity, best thing ever.put.in.a.movie. genius. loved it." 

nini couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in amusement as her best friend continued to rant about how 'amazing the amazing spiderman 2'. i mean, it's called the amazing spiderman for a reason.... but ricky was too dense to truly realize that. 

they were in the middle of a double 'date' with nini's moms. dana and carol had taken the two teens with them to the drive in movies, taking separate cars so the teens could have a place to sit in one and the moms could have a little privacy. 

of course, for ricky and nini, this wasn't a date date, but it was obvious that deep down nini really wished it was. well, obvious to her at least. 

as stated before,

our dear richard is dense. 

but that was beyond the point. the point being, ricky and nini were currenty cuddling in mama c's convertible, the roof down so they could see the movie perfectly, and nini's back pressed comfortably against ricky's front. they just fit like puzzle pieces! nini's head rested easily on his shoulder and he could rest his head against hers. 

it was like they were meant to be; or at least nini sure though so.

"would you quit spoiling the movie for me?" nini muttered, slapping ricky's chest gently. "i'd at least like a little bit of surprise in my life. you already told me she freaking dies in the end." 

a chuckle rumbled through ricky's chest. "but that little detail of the little hand flies over so many peoples heads. it did mine for years and i don't want you to miss it too." 

"hmm, well that's very considerate" nini hummed, "but i'm still mad at you for spoiling the ending." 

nini could her ricky whine behind her, so she tried her best to hide her smile and appear angry. "panini, please forgive me. it's just i wanted to make sure that you saw something really special. please don't be mad at me." 

nini simply huffed in response, crossing her arms and looking away from the teenage boy. but, it was still nearly impossible to hid her grin. she could never be mad at ricky for long periods of time; though she did enjoy acting like it. 

ricky started to get annoyed that his best friend wasn't paying attention to him, so he playfully began poking her sides. nini was known to be ticklish ever since he could remember, and it has always been a way to brighten up sad conversations. what he doesn't like at all though is that nini is getting fantastic at acting. 

and hiding stuff. 

he sighed in dismay as the girl failed to squirm, despite all of his tickle attempts. she was still ignoring him. what he didn't know though was that nini was doing everything in here willpower not to start squealing and trashing everywhere like a freaking seal. desperate, he pulled out his last move. 

"i'll do the face..." 

this caught nini's attention real quickly. she whipped around to face him, her eyes wide with panic. "no, no, no, no, no, not the face ricky! come on, anything but that. you know how that makes me feel!" 

not listening to her protests, ricky continued to do the one thing that could get her doing anything for him. he pouted out his lip, making his eyes all sad and puppy like, basically shattering nini's whole heart. 

"noooo, rickyyyy," she cooed as she looked at the baby puppy looking boy in front of her. she cupped his face in her hands and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. "who hurt you?" 

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