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nini ran through the hallways of the newly wedded couple's little house, her fluffy socks making her skid with every turn she made. 

"i kind of really have something extremely important to show you!"

"i'm in the kitchen, babe!" ricky's deep voice echoed through the house. sike, it wasn't deep. the man basically skipped puberty.

"okay," nini approached her husband who was eating a bowl of cereal. "promise you won't. freak. out..... too loudly." 

ricky chuckled, slightly concerned. "i promise. what's up?"

nini carefully turned around the small stick in my hand called a pregnancy test. such a simple name for such a life changing thing. smart people must not have a lot of creativity. "hehe surprise?"

ricky's eyes narrow when he saw the two lines. "what's that supposed to mean?" he mumbled. 

"ricky," nini bit back a huge smile. "i'm pregnant!"

realization hit ricky and it hit him hard. his eyes widened to the point that it was scary and his mouth draped open. "what?"

"we are going to have a baby!" nini squealed happily. 

"a-are you positive?" ricky stuttered, earning a confused look on nini's face.

"i mean, the test says positive, not negative. i might have read it wrong  though...." she twisted the stick back around to squint at it. "yeah, see it says two lines mean pos-"

"no, no nini." ricky chuckled. "i mean are you positive? like, are you sure? how many tests did you take?"

"i may or may not have taken five." nini admitted, blushing with embarrassment. 

"and they were all positive?" ricky question. nini nodded, kind of disappointed with her husband's reaction. did he not want a baby?

ricky let out a heavy breath, raking his hand through his hair. "i'm gonna be a dad." he breathed out as it finally dawned on him. he laughed, picking nini up and spinning her around. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" his voice filled the entire house along with nini's surprised, but relieved laughter. the air was filled with joy as the sun beamed through the windows brighter. their lives were completely going to change. "oh, shoot! i don't want to hurt the baby." ricky quickly put nini back down, but kept his arms wrapped around her.  

"ok good! you're happy!" nini beamed. "you scared me there for a second."

"gosh, neens, i'm so happy!" he let out a lively chuckle. ricky slowly moved his hands from his wife's hips and placed them over her stomach. "i can't believe we got a mini bowen in there." 

nini began to tear up as she saw the look of pure excitement on ricky's face. she could nearly see all the wheels turning in his head, all the things he was thinking about, excited about, and how proud he was. 

"we certainly do." nini giggled, her tears now streaming down her face. "and our child is going to be absolutely perfect."

"with you as the mother, yes." ricky pressed his forehead against her, tickling the tip of her nose with his curls. 

"and with you as the father." she hummed, "and we will love them to the ends of the earth and back."

ricky pressed a firm, but tender kiss to her forehead. "i couldn't ask for anything more." he whispered, making nini choke out a sob. he quickly pulled back to see if she was okay, but immediately grinned when he saw the huge smile on her face. "my love, is this baby going to make you all loopy?" he chuckled. 

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