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nini walked into school the next morning, keeping her head down low. she didn't get any sleep considering what had happened last night, and her dark circles were not necessarily flattering. the last thing she wanted was for ricky to see that he got to her. that would be bad. 

the two of them only had gotten a little done on their science project the night before. nini was planning on asking the science teacher if she could switch partners or do the project alone during their period of science. she couldn't work with ricky after all the went down the night before. it would be too awkward and problematic. not to mention she could possibly (but mostly not possibly) fall for him. the chances of that happening were low, but there was still potential. 

 as she stopped by her locker to pick up books, lost in thought,  nini turned to her right and quickly did a double take. there stood ricky pinned against the lockers by some girl. she was talking quietly to him, it looked seductive to nini. the girl's outfit was skimpy and she was chewing her gum brutally. she was definitely one of those girl's. nini wasn't like that..... right?

nini painfully watched the scene unfold in front of her as the girl leaned into ricky, going in for a kiss. of course he is going to kiss her back. nini thought. he kissed me literally 12 hours ago and he's already move on typically.

but, to her surprise, that's not what happened.

 instead of meeting the girl halfway, or even letting her kiss him, ricky gently placed his index finger to her lips, resulting in the girl kissing his finger. this took nini back. ricky always kissed the girl, no matter what. nini leaned backwards slightly to look at ricky's facial expression. he wasn't smirking teasingly like she thought he would be. there wasn't a trace of flirting or playfulness in his expression. he looked..... apologetic.

nini couldn't hear their conversation over the crowded hall, but she watched as ricky's lips moved into the words. 'i'm sorry, but i can't.' the girl quickly stepped away from him, flushed with embarassment. ricky started speaking quickly, he looked like he was rambling, but the girl cut him off by shoving her hand into his face and talking harshly. 

the girl quickly looked behind her, taking the coffee of a teacher walking nearby and poured it over ricky's head. nini could see the steam rising from the liquid as ricky grimaced from the heat. the girl shouted something in his face, crumpling the cup and throwing it on the floor. the teacher didn't do anything about it, he just kept walking. 

nini's heart clentched as she heard some of the students talking around them, saying things like 'that player deserved it.' or 'i don't know what girls see in him. he just looks like a loser.' ricky didn't look like a loser, what were they talking about?

ricky wiped to scorching hot coffee from his eyes, his vision blurring around him. he guessed he deserved that after embarrassing that girl, but he just couldn't kiss her. he couldn't. 

after nini had left that night, she was all he could think about. he didn't sleep at all, tossing and turning restlessly. in the morning, he deleted every single one of the girls numbers he had and made a whole new snapchat account. he didn't even know why he did those things, she walked out on him. but he couldn't help but think he needed to change. whether he was changing for nini or for himself, it needed to happen.

"well, at least coffee smells good?" he heard a soft voice next to him. he turned to see nini, her hands folded behind her back, smiling at him nervously.

"y-yeah." ricky was shocked that she was actually talking to him. she had ignored every one of his calls or dms. but here she was. she looked beautiful. "and it had creamer and sugar, so that makes it better." he said, jokingly licking some off his finger.

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