𝓝𝓸𝓽-𝓼𝓸-𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽

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A/N: so this story takes place after episode ten, after ricky and nini said 'i love you'. but we are just going to pretend YAC does not exist because, let's be honest, no one likes it. anyways, hope you guys enjoy the story! 

"so on that day where my and dad took me to see 'much ado about nothing', we had to walk FIFTEEN MILES!" 

"whoa..... fifteen." ricky muttered in an unenthusiastic manner as his hand absentmindedly drifted towards his cheek. 

"and so as we were walking, i started hearing this weird dude singing about, like, pink jelly, and i-" 

big red was ranting about something. who knows what, that dude always has crazy stories. but ricky? he could not care less. he loved his best friend and all, but he couldn't keep his mind still even for a second unless it was on one person. and that person was sitting directly across from him in the cafeteria, watching him as well. 

that person being nini salazar-roberts. 

ricky couldn't help but sigh, his cheek squishing against is hand as he watched her; watched every little bit of her. she was laughing, smiling about something that kourtney said, but every now and then, her vision would flicker to him. there! she did again! 

ricky and nini locked eyes, both blushing profoundly. nini was the first  to move; she shot ricky a shy smile which made him grin like an idiot. he raised his eyebrow at her, a simple way of suggesting 'let's get out of here'. a small smirk grew on nini's face as she nodded, making ricky giggle. full on giggle. feeling a little bold, he winking flirtatiously, taking notice of the way that nini's cheeks grew rosy and she bit down on her lip. 

as for big red, this was not at all going over his head. he watched his friend look down at his hand, and then back at whoever he was goggling over, then biting his lip as well. "and then the dog ate my parents." he deadpanned to a completely lost in love ricky.

"yo, that's cool." ricky muttered, his hand still resting against his face. 

"and then the dog gave birth to puppies that had the same faces as my parents." red huffed, trying to see if that one would get his friends attention. 

ricky chuckles before replying. "so gorgeous." in a dreamy tone. 

okay ew, that's it. big red took note of ricky's position: head resting on his hand, lip in between his teeth, eyes glued to something across the cafeteria, back hunched over, leg propped up against the bar underneath the table.. wait, we could use that one. 

red couldn't help but smile mischievously, as he raised his foot to the level of ricky's leg. ricky was too distracted looking at the mysterious thing to notice that big red had stopped talking. after ricky let out a whimsical sigh, red pulled his foot back and jutted it forward, hitting ricky just enough to make him lose balance from where he sat and tumble onto the floor. 

"YO!" ricky shouted, the second that his bottom hit the hard cafeteria ground. "THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?" 

red burst into loud laughter, along with some other people around the cafeteria. "y-you should have...." red wheezed. "you should've seen the look on your face." 

ricky huffed out of the side of his mouth, giving one more glance to nini who was giggling before pulling himself back up from the floor. "that was a dirty trick man." ricky grumbled. 

red shrugged. "you weren't paying attention, i kicked you, you started paying attention. seems fair to me." ricky rolled his eyes, sitting up straight in his seat again and hanging his head low, embarrassed. "who were you even looking at man?" 

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