𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕀 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕒, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨

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"so much has happened, think of what we've done in the time that the earth has traveled 'round the sun."

"yo nini!"

as soon as i heard those two words, a huge smile automatically covered my face. my heart fluttered in my chest; it was a new feeling, but i figured i would have to get used to it.

"hi ricky!" i turned to my best friend, smiling shyly. "what's up?"

he gave me his classic grin. "not a whole lot, but i was wondering.... are you maybe free? like this weekend or something? if you are i'd li-"

"yes." i blurted out without even thinking about it. "whatever you were going to say, yes."

"really??" ricky looked flustered and happy, but also confused. "are you sure? i was gonna ask if you wanted to see a movie with me. like just the two of us?" i nodded with a smile. we always went to movies together, why would this be any different. it was almost as if ricky was reading my mind, because he dug his toe in the ground nervously and ruffled his hair. he always did that when he was tense. "nini," he sighed. "i'm asking you on a date."

"and i said ye- wait a date?" when i say my heart stopped, i mean like ------------- stopped. like flat lined..... if that wasn't clear.... MOVING FORWARD. "like a date, date?" i repeat flustered. "like a more than friends kind of date? like a dating date?" wow, way to play it smooth, nini.

ricky chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "i-if you want to?? if you don't, like, that's totally cool, just forget i asked. then we could just go as friends if that makes you more comfortable or something."

"no, no, no, it's fine!" i said quickly, "i wanna go with you.... like as a date."

a smile quickly replaced whatever nervous scared concerned expression had been on ricky's face. "for real?" he asked.

i giggled. "for real."

"okay, cool!" ricky bounced excitedly on his toes, his voice coming out high pitched and squeaky. "uh, i mean," he quickly cleared his throat before repeating in a low(key hot) tone "cool, cool, lit. um, i'll pick you up at six tonight, and maybe we can go to in and out first?"

i bit back a smile, barely being able to contain my excitement. "i'd love that." ricky smiled at me admirably, making my heart full on spasm.

"me too." he said softly, but i don't think he was talking about in and out. "i'll see you at lunch?"

"yep!" i gave him a quick, tight hug, before he ran off to class. i watched him bound down the hallway, his curls bouncing and his smile bright. i couldn't help but laugh as he pulled an extra little victory skip, which was pretty adorable.

it was the start of something new, and something told me it would be this way for a long time.

"winter, spring, summer, and we're back to fall. we've been together hand and hand through it all."

"i really though she was going to be here for this one. like we still meant something to her!"

ricky and i sat in my room the day of thanksgiving, except the cheery feeling in the air had been completely killed early in the day. i was watching the thanksgiving day parade when, suddenly, ricky knocked on our door in tears.

his mom, lynne, had been in chicago for work a lot more than necessary recently. she missed a ton of holidays with the bowen family, including christmas, easter, fourth of july, even ricky's birthday! and now, thanksgiving. i have been with ricky every step of the way, no matter how hard to was to watch. lynne had been planning to come home to salt lake, but canceled last minute, due to the fact that she was 'needed elsewhere.' whatever that is supposed to mean.

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