dog tags

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"tell me you are joking, please."

ricky sighed, running a hand through his brown curls. "nini, i have to do this. i've wanted to my whole life!"

"ricky you are only eighteen!" nini shrieked. "you could die so quickly! you have so much to live for, ricky! please think about it a little longer?"

"nini," ricky bent down to his petite girlfriend's level from where she sat on the corner of her bed. he gently tucked a strand of hair from her face, tracing a line from her temple, down her cheek, to her chin, lifting it towards him as the girl's eyes filled with tears. "i've made my decision, i'm sorry. i've wanted to be in the army since i was tiny! i want to serve our country, i want to save people."

nini nodded gently, tears falling from her eyes at a quicker pace. "i know." she whispered. "how long would you be gone?"

ricky huffed out a breath. "i could be gone from a year to a year and eight months, but that's only if-"

"if you come out alive." the girl finished. ricky nodded solemnly, pressing his forehead against hers. she sunk a hand into his curls as her crying turned into heavy sobs. "what are the chances of you living?" she choked out. he gave her a look of pure agony, his own eyes glazing over as a ball in his chest tightened.

"not the highest." he mumbled. "but i have to do this." nini nodded against his forehead. ricky had always wanted to help people his whole life, and she had always supported him. his dreams of the army had formed when he was six years old and he watched a movie called patton. he ended up being an army soldier for halloween that year couldn't wait to tell nini all about the things he had learned. nini had gotten him a dog tag after the opening night of their musical because she knew how much he had always wanted one. ricky still wore in around his neck everyday, hanging out for the whole world to see. she knew she would be so proud of him when he joined the army. she just didn't think the opportunity would come so soon. almost too soon.

"ricky, it's world war III." nini sighed. "this has been a war with the most U.S. casualties in the world." 

"i know, i know." ricky pressed a kiss to her lips, tears streaming down his cheeks as well. "i love you so much, nini." he whispered softly. "and i won't stopping thinking about you every second of everyday, okay?"

"and i won't stop thinking about you, ricky." she responded quietly. "i'll be here waiting for to come home, and loving you every second of that time."


"you know, we should hang sometime. like, the two of us? you are really giving off the vibes like you are my type of girl."

nini screwed her eyes shut and quickened her pace through the campus. it had been exactly a month, 17 days, and.... 4 hours since ricky had gone off to war, and things for nini have been bad to say the least. she missed him so much, and there was no way to communicate with him while he was gone. he was in territory unknown to her, guns-a-blazing, and far from the safety she wished he was at.

before ricky had left, he made her promises him that if he never came back, that she would find someone else and be happy without him. no matter how much nini protested, she gave up in the end and agreed, though her agreement was far from heartfelt. she loved ricky and he was the only one for her, whether walking on this earth with her or watching down on her from the skies.

"look, i'm really sorry." nini sighed. "but i'm not interested. i have someone else."

the boy, whose name was peter i believe?? let out a groan. "the dude at war? face it, babe, he's never coming back. people don't last at the place he is at."

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