OᖇᗩᑎGE ᒍᑌIᑕE (1)

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ricky bowen sat in chemistry, twirling his pencil aimlessly between his fingers. he really didn't like chemistry; it made no sense to him. when was he going to need this in his life? ricky didn't know and he didn't care. as far as he was concerned, he was just going to be a famous singer someday. it was his dream, but no one knew that. he planned to keep it that way.

ricky was knocked out of his thoughts by a paper ball being thrown in his direction. he glanced up to see who threw it, but made no eye contact with anyone. after unraveling the wad, he saw swirly penmanship that read:

'hey cutie. want to hang out sometime? here is my number *** **** ****. text me ;)"

he grinned, looking up to see some blond chick smiling at him. ricky sent her a quick wink before typing her number into his phone. he didn't really plan on texting her, or responding to the 53 other text notifications from more random girls. after all, they were just there for his image. that's how the life of a player worked. or at least how ricky's life as a player worked.

ricky heard a soft scoff beside him. he turned and sees nini salazar roberts rolling her eyes at him. the boy had heard stuff about nini; only good things of course. they used to be close when they were younger, but ricky got cool and kind of forgot about her. he sent her a smirk before turning his attention back, not to the class, but to his pencil.

nini, on the other hand, hated ricky with all the hate in her tiny body. every day, he had a new girl under his arm and she found that vile. she often wondered what she ever saw in ricky when they were young. she used to swoon over him and dream about him like all the girls do now. they are referred to as 'one of those girls'. nini had no desire to be like them.

"okay everyone!" their chemistry teacher exclaims, causing ricky and nini to both jump out of their trances. "we are starting a new chemistry project with partners!" the whole class perked up in their seats. "obviously, i'll be picking the partners" and just like that they perked back down. "come on, you guys love it!" the teachers said, over enthusiastically, making ricky's ears hurt.

the teacher started listing off names in pairs of two. ricky waited intently for his name, still continuing to spin his pencil (which he just realized was actually a pen) until it flopped onto the floor. he huffed out a breath, annoyed, and ducked down to pick it up. once his hand reached it, he was surprised to feel another hand under his. ricky glances up to see who the owner of it was, and to his surprise he looks nini dead in the eye, their faces only inches apart.

nini quickly recoiled her hand and muttered a quick "sorry" before returning upright in her seat.

ricky simply stared at her for a second, before quickly taking the pen back in his hands. "um, i-it's fine." he stutters. "all good." had ricky talked to (and flirted with) a ton of girls before? yes. had he checked them out? yes. but had a girl ever made him speechless like that? even for a second? no. this was new, like an uncharted map. and ricky loved exploring. he was basically dora.

"next pair, nina and richard!"

ricky sat up so fast, he hit his head hard on the side of his desk, earning a stifled giggle from nini.

"you guys will be seeing which type of orange juice has the most vitamin C." their chemistry teacher gave them a bright smile. "hope your head is good, ricky."

he muttered a "thank you." glancing at nini who still looked like she was struggling to cover her grin. he couldn't help but bite his lip and smile at her expression. she was cute when she laughed.

when the bell rang signaling class was over, ricky strode up to nini casually, leaning his hand on his desk.

"hey princess," he smirked. "looks like you and i will be spending a lot of time together."

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