To Live

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Ava's POV:

"You don't intimidate me," I told her through gritted teeth. She clasped her hands together and leaned forward. The way she looked at me was like she was the tiger circling around its prey. The prey was different than the other tiger's prey though. This prey wasn't frightened.

"Oh, I know I don't Ava. You've showed me that ever since the day you walked into the CIA, claiming that you wanted to help protect this country," she reminded me of the that day. I remember it so clearly now.

"I thought I was going to do something good. For once in my life, I thought I was going to help people, but you people turned me into a weapon. I know what I'm capable of, and what I'm capable of is worst than two armies. You are going to start a war, and you know that," I could feel my words ringing in her ears, but she hid her expressions easily. She held a blank look on her face, staring at me like what I said wasn't true.

"You are a disgrace to this country," she said in a low voice, "Your family were low life criminals, and we helped you start a new life away from them. We trained you, we fed you, hell we practically gave you a better life than the one you had before you came begging us to help you."

"You tortured me!" I finally snapped, "You kidnapped me and trapped me on that island for years! You electrocuted me, opened my brain up, poke needles into my skin, and treated me like I was some dissected frog on a tray in your lab. So don't tell me that you gave me a better life because you didn't. You all made me inhuman."

She stood up and opened her mouth to say something back, but the door opened and an agent walked in. He looked at the both of us and planted his eyes on Rebecca.

"We've got a situation," he told her.

Rebecca's glare on me lingered for a few more seconds before she followed the agent out of the room. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed out loudly.

Spending time in this room gave me more time to think about my decision. I've accepted that it was my time to die. They'll never stop coming after me, and I don't want to live a life where I always have to look over my shoulders. I want a normal life, but I know that will never happen. People like me can never get a normal life, and I've accepted that too.

Hopefully, the CIA's plan to use my blood to make more super humans will fail. May-

A loud thud outside my door made me freeze my thoughts. My back straighten up, and my eyes focused on the door. Something was happening. I heard a beep and the door opened. Alex and Louis walked in with tranquilizer guns in their hands and I jumped off the bed.

"What are you both doing here?" I asked them furiously.

"We came to get you out of here," Alex frowned, "We need to hurry. Max won't be able to distract them for very long before they realize what's happening."

"I'm not leaving," I took a step away from them.

"What? Ava I don't think you realized the real problem here," Alex told me, her voice tight, "They are going to kill you and use your blood to make other people like you."

I looked down at my hands, unable to answer.

"I will not leave unless you come with us, Ava," Louis spoke up for the first time since he entered. He took a step towards me, his eyes showing me that he was sorry, "I was stupid and I made you feel like you were a danger to the world. I made you feel like you don't belong in this world, but you do, Ava. They don't get to make you any less human."

He continued when I didn't react to what he said, "I love you."

I looked up at him and he put his hand up to my cheeks, "I love you so much Ava, I don't want to lose you. I lost you once, and I don't know how I will live with myself if I lost you again."

He leaned down and his lips crashed with mine. I kissed him back, and at that moment I knew that I wasn't ready to die. My purpose wasn't finished. I pulled away.

"Lets go."

Alex handed me a gun and I turned the safety off. I cocked the gun and followed Alex as she lead us to the getaway car. At the end of the hallway, there was an agent. He instantly recognized me and pulled out his gun to shoot, but I shot him before he could do so. Louis looked at the guy and at me, but didn't say anything. We continued on.

An alarm blared through the building and I could hear footsteps running in every direction, trying to find us. Behind me, I heard the cock of a gun. I turned around just in time and shot him in the head. An agent sneaked behind me and attempted to knock me out with his gun, but I foresaw his move and grabbed his arm. He kneed my abdomen and put his arm around my neck. I could feel his gun pressed against my temple. I elbowed him, and pushed his gun up to his neck. His face turned purple from the lack of oxygen. Then I quickly lifted up the butt of the gun, and it cracked his neck. I pulled the gun away and he collapsed onto the ground, dead.

I caught up with Louis and Alex, and we arrived at the door. Alex pushed the door but it wouldn't budge.

"We're too late. It's locked," I muttered.

"So what do we do?" Alex asked.

They both looked at me, waiting for me to come up with an idea, and for the first time in a long time I didn't know what to do.

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