The Plan To Take Action

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"Hey, pretty boy. Miss me?" Max patted my cheek, and I shoved him away from me. A smirk formed on his lips and he took a step towards me, "You wanna fight now?"

"Don't even think about it," Alex stepped in between us, shooting glares at the both of us, "Our main focus is on saving Ava. I do not need you two killing each other off!"

"Like he could kill me," Max scoffed. Alex glared at him hard, and he scoffed again, "Fine."

"So you gave my sister off to the CIA," Max crossed his arm over his chest, "Is that your way of getting revenge on me?"

"No," I gritted through my teeth.

"I should have killed your mom when I had the chance," he rolled his eyes.

"Max!" Alex slapped his shoulders.

I lunged at him and landed a punch to his face. His face was really hard and I felt the worst pain in the hand that made contact with his face. He shoved me against the wall and a pain shot up my back.

"Max, stop it!" Alex screamed just as I felt a punch to my face. I fell down to my knees and then I felt a kick to my stomach. A groan left my mouth and I held my stomach, only to be kicked again.

"Stop!" Alex screamed louder than the last time and then he stopped. She shoved Max, "What the hell is wrong with you? You could have killed him!"

"He gave Ava away to the CIA!" he yelled back, "And now she might die because of him!"

I coughed and wiped the blood off my mouth. I pulled myself up and pressed my back against the wall to keep myself up.

"It's my fault. I know that. But I didn't do it for revenge. I was just stupid and they manipulated me. So if she dies or is injured, then that is on me, " I told them, "It's on me."

Alex wrapped my arm around her shoulder and looked over at Max, who was sending death glares at me. He let out a long breath and wrapped my other arm around his shoulders. They helped me inside Ava's apartment and sat me down on the couch. Alex came back with the first aid kit and she sat down next to me.

Max and I watched Alex bandaged my injured hand. I noticed the way he was looking at her. There was a ghost of a smile on his face. She finished and patted my shoulder.

"So the plan?" she looked up at Max.

"I'll give myself up to them," he stated.

Alex jumped up from the couch, "What?"

"As a distraction," he added in and smirked at her reaction, "It's nice to see that you'll miss me if I die."

She sat back down at frowned, "Shut up."

"You two will sneak in and sneak out with Ava. I hacked into their system, and it says that she is on the third floor. You turn left and go all the way down to the last door. She'll be in there," He pulled out a card and handed it to Alex, "That card will give you access to the room."

"What if someone discovers us?" I asked.

"You'll have guns," he answered.

"No," Alex and I said at the same time.

He scoffed, "Do you want to die?"

"We don't want to kill anyone," Alex told him, "We'll use tranquilizers."

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"How are you going to get out?" I asked him. Sure, I didn't like him, but he is Ava's brother. I don't want her to lose her brother.

"Don't worry about me, pretty boy," he smirked and continued to explain his plan, "There will be a red SUV at the back of the building. Get in the car and get the hell out of there. Blend in with the other cars, and drive like any normal citizen."

"What about you?" Alex frowned, "We're not going to leave you."

"I have a car," he assured her.

"So, you guys ready?" he asked and clapped his hands together.

Alex and I shared a look.

"Yeah," I answered, "We're ready."

Well, as ready as I'll ever be.

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