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"What are you doing?" Alex entered the kitchen. She had an arm wrapped over her abdomen while slowly dragging her feet across the tiles.

"Working," I answered with one word. Then I glanced up at her, "I told you that you shouldn't walk around too much. It's g-"

"Going to ruin the stitches," she finished my sentence and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I've heard it a thousand times already."

I didn't answer and instead refocused on the camera footage on my laptop screen.

Alex sat down across from me, "It's Christmas. We should be doing something fun, not work."

I let out an annoyed breath, "In case you forgot, we are on the run from a government agency."

She pouted, "It doesn't mean we can't put some Christmas cheer into the mess. You know, sprinkle a little bit of happiness."

"No, I don't know."

"Come on!" She stood up, "Lets go buy a tree and decorate it!"

My eyes stayed on the screen and I shook my head. What if I left to have some "fun" and then Max shows up somewhere.

"You're such a workaholic," she reached for my laptop to close it, but I grabbed her wrist tightly.

"I said no," I gritted through my teeth.

She yanked her hand away, "Fine, I'll go by myself then."

I watched her walked out the door and my irritation grew. I closed my laptop and followed her, remembering to lock the door on the way out. I caught up to her and I saw a smirk make its way up to her face, but it quickly disappeared.

"I'm driving," I stated and climbed into the driver's seat.

There was barely anyone selling trees. We were lucky to find one place that did, and to say I was relieved was an understatement. I was exhausted, but Alex looked like she had five large cups of coffee. I've never seen anyone be this excited to buy a tree before.

"It's not just a tree," she told me while skipping around to find the "perfect" tree, "It's a Christmas tree."

"Mhmm," I nodded even though I couldn't care less.

She stopped in front of a tree and she jumped up and down in excitement.

"This is the one," she pointed at the tree in front of her.

I looked at it. The tree looked just like every other tree in this damn place. It was green and medium sized.

"It's the same as all of the others!" I exclaimed, "This was a total waste of time."

She rolled her eyes and pat the tree, "It's the one."

We arrived back at the apartment, and I carried the tree into the living room. Alex was holding the bag of decorations that we brought from the man who sold the tree.

"It's beginning to look-"

"Don't even go there," I stopped her horrible singing.

She shrugged with a huge grin on her face and pulled out the first ornament from the bag. It was a red, shiny sphere with a small hook on top to hang on the tree. She hung it on the tree and turned around to face me.

"Come on Ava!" she waved me over. I reluctantly walked over to her and she handed me the next ornament, which was similar to the first one but it was blue.

I put it on the tree and she clapped, "Yay!"

Kill me now.

We spent an hour putting up all of the ornaments, and I was surprised to see myself enjoying it. It took my mind off of reality. Then we finished and my eyes landed on the laptop. Reality came crashing down on me and I was back on my laptop.

Alex sighed but didn't say anything else.

Not again. I wasn't going to let anything or anyone else distract me anymore. I have questions that need to be answered and I was growing impatient.

Louis' POV:
"Mum I-" My sentence was cut short when I stepped on a slippery liquid and fell down on my back.

"What the-" I tried to get up but fell again.

I smelled the liquid in my hand and furrowed my eyebrows at the rosy smell.


Daisy showed up from behind me with an angry glare, "Louis, that was for Phoebe to step in, not you!"

I raised both my hands in defense, "Hey, I didn't know."

She stomped her feet and her face flushed red with irritation or anger.

I chuckled as she stomped back upstairs, probably to get more soap.

"Louis, why are you on the floor?" Lottie asked when she stepped into the living room, "and is that soap?"

"Louis, quit messing around and go get changed. Dinner is about to start," My mum showed up behind Lottie.

"But I-"

She shot me a warning look and I sighed.

"Okay mum."

I quickly changed into clean clothes and met everyone downstairs. We all helped my mum set the table except for Ernest and Doris of course.

My mouth watered when I saw the amount of food on the table. There was chicken, pork, green beans, mash potatoes, corn, French bread, and a pumpkin pie.

I put a forkful of mash potatoes into my mouth and the delicious taste spread through all my taste buds. I really do miss her cooking.

"How is Oliver's mum," My mum's voice pulled me out of my concentration on the food.

I looked up at her in confusion, "Who?"

"Your friend Oliver," she frowned.

My mouth opened in realization. Oh, that Oliver.

"Yeah she's fine," I answered, remembering the lie I told her about Max's mum being in the hospital. In reality, I had no idea where she is. I wonder if she knows about Ava and Max.

I knew their dad never liked me. He was always glaring at me whenever I came over to hang out with Ava. I always felt uncomfortable around him, but I never told Ava. I was afraid that it would jeopardize our relationship.

I pushed all those memories away and joined in on the family conversation. The whole night consisted of eating, talking, laughing, teasing, and more eating. I felt like a stuffed turkey afterwards.

Everyone went to their rooms, leaving mum and I to wash the dishes. She washed the dishes while I dried it.

Halfway through cleaning, my mum suddenly stopped and turned her head so that she was looking at me.

"What's wrong Louis?" She asked. I looked up from the plate I was drying.

"W-what?" I stuttered in surprise.

She placed a hand on her hip and gave me a look. I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"I saw Ava," I revealed to my mum. Her eyes widened as she recognized the name.

"When?" She asked in bewilderment, "Where?"

"Do you remember that girl I bumped into in New York about a year ago?"

She nodded.

"That's Ava," I told her.

Mum stood there quietly looking at me for like an eternity.

"I thought her name was Naomi," she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"She..lost her memory in an accident," I told her half the truth.

Mum gasped, "That's horrible!"

"Yeah," The word left my mouth quietly.

"I'm sorry Louis," she wrapped her arms around me.

"Thanks mum."

I knew now what I had to do. I had to leave early tomorrow and convince Ava to stop trying to find her brother. Even if she kills me this time, I'm willing to risk it.

I have to do this for my mum, and I have to do this for myself.

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