Saving Max

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"I like Max," Alex revealed in her nervous state of mind, "I have no idea why I like him. He's a criminal and a killer, but I like him. I thought you should know that before we die."

I glanced at her, "Shut up."

Then I roundhouse kicked the man in front of me. He recovered quickly and threw a punch at me. I dodged it, grabbed his arm, and I swung him into the wall. He wrapped his hands around my throat and now I was the one pressed against the wall. I aimed my feet at his man part and kicked it as hard as I could, which was really hard. He screamed out in pain and grabbed his family's jewel. I grabbed his face and brought it down to my knee, knocking him out.

"Give yourself up now, Ava," Rebecca's voice went through the entire building, "We have Max in custody."

I groaned out loud.

"He was already supposed to be out," Alex murmured to herself.

"Well, he's not," I kicked the man's unconscious body.

"Maybe they're bluffing," Alex suggested.

"It's them!"

I turned around to see three men headed our way. We all put our hands up since we had nothing left to shoot the men with. They all had their guns pointed as the they surrounded us.

"Duck when I count to three," I whispered to Alex and Louis.




They both ducked.

I grabbed two of the men's heads and bumped it together before kicking the third man's gun out of his hands. I used his body to block the gunshots from the other two guys and when they went to reload their gun, I threw the dead guy at them. The second man grabbed my arm, but I reversed it so that I was holding his arm and I twisted it in a way so that I could hear a crack. The third man hit me across the face with his gun and kicked me in the abdomen. I barely felt the pain and I straddled his neck while he was still standing. Using the muscles in my legs, I twisted his neck to the side and heard a satisfying crack. I jumped off him and he fell down limp to the ground. Taking his gun, I shot the second man in the head.

I breathed heavily from the fight and looked to the side to see Alex and Louis staring at me with gaping expressions.

"We need to move," I panted.

They slowly nodded and stood up. With the gun gripped tightly in my hands, I lead them both down the hall. I cautiously looked around each corner to check if there was anyone before continuing on. I stopped in front of a closet and opened the door.

"Stay in here and lock the door," I pushed the both of them in. They both opened their mouth to protest, but I interrupted them.

"I mean it," I told them in a stern voice, "When I am finished, I will come and get you. Do not open the door no matter what. Do you understand?"

The nodded.

I was about to close the door when Louis stopped me.

"Wait," he stood up and I glared at him.

"We don't have much time, Louis. You n-"

He pressed his lips to mine. At first, I was too surprised to kiss him back but eventually, I began to move my lips. I pulled away.

"Good luck," he smiled and sat down.

I nodded and closed the door. Determination filled my mind and I breathed out. From the distance I could hear a voice shouting orders. Cocking my gun, I headed towards the direction of the voices. I poked my head around a corner to see five men huddled together, forming a circle.

"Kill on the two girls on sight, but do not kill the boy," the leader told him team. They were wearing heavy clothing to protect themselves, and they had more advanced weapons, "One of the girls is highly dangerous so be careful."

Then I shot two men in the back of their heads. They fell down to the ground and the others finally saw me. They opened fire and I hid behind the wall again. The bullets ricocheted off the walls and onto the ground. I could hear them slowly approaching me.

"Give yourself up!" the leader shouted.

"And why would I be so stupid to do that?" I asked.

Then I quickly grabbed the man that was nearest to me and I held my gun to his head. The others immediately pointed their gun at me.

"Step any closer and I will pull the trigger," I warned them.

The man in my hostage struggled, "Don't listen to her!"

I pushed the gun deeper into his temple and he winced.

The leader of the team narrowed his eyes at me, "He's got a family. Do you really want to kill him?"

I kept my expressions to myself. My finger suddenly felt too weak to pull the trigger. There was a heavy weight in my chest.

I hit the man's head with the butt of the gun and pushed him onto the other man after firing a bullet into his leg. I fired another bullet into the leader's gun and it fell out of his hands. He kicked my gun out of my hands and punched me in the face. I blocked the kick he was going to give me, and I slammed my elbow into his face. He recovered quickly though and he grabbed my arm to flip me to the ground.

I pulled my legs up to wrap it around his neck. Then I pulled my legs forward and flipped him to the ground. I hopped up onto my feet and he did too. He pulled out a knife from one of his pockets. He went to stab me in the abdomen, but I grabbed his wrist  and twisted it. The knife dropped out of his hand. He then intentionally broke his wrist and slammed his elbow into my chest. I was surprised by this and that caused me to staggered back into the wall. He picked up his knife and quickly stabbed it into my right arm and yanked it out. Pain shot up my arm, but I ignored it.

I stopped him from stabbing me again by grabbing his arm, which was raised above his head. I slammed my shin into his abdomen and he doubled over from the impact it had on his body. His grip on his knife loosened, and I took that chance to take it from his hands. I pushed him against the wall and held the blade to his neck.

"Do it," he breathed heavily in my face, "Kill me."

Clenching my jaw, I headbutted him and he was knocked out. He slid down the wall and fell to the floor. I pulled off his tactical vest and put it on me. Then I replaced my white sneakers with his black combat boots. I grabbed his gun and stood up. The man, who I shot in the leg, raised him gun up to shoot me. I threw the knife at his arm, and he screamed out, dropping the gun. I pulled the knife out of his arm and put it in my vest pocket.

I walked away from them and continued my way to Nick's office.

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