You've Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me

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"Do you have a death wish, Waters?" Nick's voice burst through my ear drums the second I answered the phone, "Because having the entire world recognizing you from a magazine will allow Rebecca to find you!"

"I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry sir," I apologized and he let out a tired sigh.

"What's the point of having a brain when you can't even think to save your own life," His voice was cold as ice, "I will have a plan scheduled to take you somewhere else. You leave in the morning."

"Yes sir."

"And if I ever see you in the media again, there will be consequences," he threatened and ended the call before I could answer.

Letting out a groan, I threw the phone on the couch and grasped the sword, that I was still holding, tightly in my hands. Swinging the sword upwards, I swiftly brought it down and it swiped cross the dummy's chest, creating a long cut. I smirked before pushing the sword deeply into the spot where the dummy would have a heart if it was human.


"Welcome to London Ms. Waters," My chauffeur, Robin, said as he set down my bags. I didn't answer though because my attention was on the huge hotel building standing in front of me. It looked like it could fit one million people in here. Maybe it could.

"Thanks Robin," I said when I finally snapped out of my thoughts. He nodded before climbing back into the black, sleek car and driving away. I pulled the hood closer to my face, picked up my two luggage bags, and walked into the tall building that could probably be a skyscraper.

The man behind the desk smiled as soon as I entered the building. To most people, the smile would have looked genuine, but I could see past it. He looked tired and probably hated his job. I don't blame him. If I were to stand behind a desk all day while having to smile all the time, it would be very irritating.

"Hello and welcome to The London Hilton Hotel. How may I help you today?" he said while flashing his white teeth.

"I have a reservation under Irene Mills," I said and he nodded while tapping something on the keyboard. A minute later, he held out a key and dropped it on my hand, "Have a nice stay Miss Mills."

When I got to my room, I immediately locked the door and laid the luggage that contained my clothes on the bed while putting the other luggage under the bed. After that, I neatly unpack my clothes. When I was finished, I threw myself on the bed and let out a huge sigh. My eyes fell from the ceiling to the sleeves that covered the scars and bruises on my arms.

I pinched the cotton fabric between my fingers and contemplated on whether I should look or not. It wouldn't be the first time I've done this, but I have yet had enough courage to look at my own skin. Breathing out, I let go of my sleeve and a ping of disappointment ran through my body.

The phone rang from beside me but I waited for a few seconds to answer it.

"I don't need your help," I snapped as soon as I picked up.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice," Alex retorted.

I groaned loudly.

"How was the plane ride?" she asked but I stayed silent and kept my eyes trained on the sleeve of my shirt, "Come on, it can't be hard to answer a simple question like that."

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me, "It was okay."

"What did you eat?" she asked another question.

"How is asking how my plane ride was and what I ate related to helping me?" I snapped in annoyance, "I don't have time for these stupid questions."

Instead of answering my question, she repeated her question, "What did you eat?"

"A fucking salad," I muttered and I could feel her smirking in satisfaction from the other side of the phone.

"Now was that so hard?"

Irritating bitch.

"Do you want to talk about your time on the island?" Her voice became more serious while I froze.

"Your real name is Ava Green."

Ava Green.

"No," I replied after a moment.

"I understand," Her voice was quiet and genuine, "But you know that one day you will have to open up to someone. It doesn't have to be me, but keeping all those things inside of you is a self destruction."

"I know."

"Very well, carry on with your day."

I closed my eyes and hoped that I could now rest without any interruptions but things never go my way. The next thing I heard were loud screams, screams belonging to teenage girls. I pulled myself up from the bed and walked over to the window that was covered by the orange curtain. My eyes fell on the massive group of girls holding signs while screaming their lungs out. They were surrounding around two black cars, and a few bodyguards were doing the best they could to keep the girls away.

The door to the first car opened and the screams became louder when the first guy stepped out. His hair was very curly and he used a black and white bandana to pull it back from his face. He put his face down and attempted to walk into the hotel without getting knocked over.

The second guy climbed out of the car and my mouth dropped open while my eyes were widened.

This can't be happening.

He walked into the hotel after his friend, and three more guys came in after him. I backed away from the window and glanced over at the door to make sure it was locked. Just then, I heard talking coming from the hallway. I ran over to the door and looked out from the peephole to see the bodyguards and boyband standing in front of my doorway.

"Dibs on this room!" Louis, the guy that I saved from the paparazzi, shouted as he ran into the room across from me. The other guys each ran into their own rooms as I banged my head against the door.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

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