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Everything was dark and quiet until I felt a sudden coldness and my heart began to beat faster. My eyes flew opened, and I tried to sit up but something was holding me down. My breathing was coming out short and I finally noticed the men surrounding me. The one beside me held a needle, which I assumed to be containing adrenaline.

I brought my arm up but it was being held down by multiple chains, including the rest of my body. The men in the room all had tuxes on, but they each had their guns pointed right at me. The one who injected me stepped back and out a door behind him. A moment later, a woman walked into the room.

She had on a professional looking dress, which was black and white. I watched her signal the men to lower their guns before she turned her body towards me.

I kept a stoic expression as she inched closer to me although my heart was beating really fast.

"Naomi Waters," she stopped right in front of me. "I believe that is your name."

I kept my mouth shut and just stared blankly at her as she continued. "Well, that is your fake name of course. Your real name is Ava Green."

I gritted my teeth together to keep myself from revealing my confusion to her. She held out her hand for me to shake, "I'm Rebecca Evans, or Dr. Evans, whichever you prefer best."

She looked down at my chained down hand and pulled back her hand with a smirk on her face. "I forgot that you can't shake my hand due to this situation."

God dammit, I wanted to punch this lady in the face so bad, or twist her neck. I'd prefer the latter.

She raised her hand to stroke my cheek, but I remained still. "You're probably confused of why you're here," she removed her hand and folded her hands. "Let me tell you, it was difficult for me to form a plan to take you. With your strength and knowledge, it seemed impossible. However, I created a serum that would make your whole body paralyzed for an hour. That's what one of my men shot you with in the ally."

I clenched my hands tightly to form a fist as she continued.

"I know everything about you Eva. Your birthday, hometown, where you went to school, your past and current jobs," she leaned down to whisper in my ear.

She made me crack and I began to struggle from the multiple chains but to no avail. Her men had returned to pointing their guns at me, but she signaled them to lower it down again. I stopped struggling and was now breathing heavily while glaring at her.

She stood back up to her full height and looked down at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I know about Project Realms."

The actress playing Ava/Naomi is Johanna Braddy. She was a really cool actress for Video Game High School, or VGHS, and I was like, "Damn, she can be pretty badass." (Waiting for next season!!!)

I don't even know if this story is going to get any reads, but I'm still just going to publish it out here just for the heck of it. And if I do get reads on this, I'll probably publish my other story too.

And my ideas for this story came from a few television shows and movies I watched. Some are: Arrow (the idea of being stuck on an island), Bourne Legacy (the project that made her stronger and smarter), The Jason Bourne films (SPOILER ALERT: she's an operative of the CIA).

I watch too many action and spy movies for my own good.

Somehow, I added One Direction to the mix and BOOM!

One Direction Fanfiction with a CIA Operative who can kick some serious ass.

I hope you enjoy if you are reading this. But if no one is reading this then I would feel like those people who rambles on and on and ends up talking to themselves because no one is listening to them. I know someone like that and he annoys the shit out of me but I can't do anything about it because he's like fifty something years old.

Anyways, goodnight and have a happy reading.

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