Ava Green

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"You're very unique, Ava," Rebecca grinned with that mischievious look on her face. If she didn't have all that makeup on her face, it would show who she really was, a devil, "Your brain capacity can hold so much more than a normal human being. It's incredible."

My eyes left the information on the board and I struggled under the hard leather straps that held my whole body down, including one slapped against my forehead to keep my head down on the bed. My neck was a little sore from the needle that was stuck into it, taking my blood and transfering it into the machine she had to get information. Information that no one was supposed to know.

"It's useless," she laughed at my endless struggles, "You're never getting out of here, Ava."

"Stop calling me that!" I snapped and her grin turned down to a frown.

She lowered her face down to mine until it was only inches apart. Her eyes were an icy blue as she squinted her eyes, daring me to say anything else.

"What are you going to do, Ava?" She growled, "Kill me? Because we both know that it is impossible for you to do that right now."

I didn't feel intimidated and my voice came out as cold as hers when I threatened her, "Maybe not now, but someday I'm going to put a bullet in your head."

In just a few seconds, a gun was pressed up against my temple. My facial features remained stoic as I stared at her.

"Go ahead," I whispered, "Press the trigger."

I could see her contemplating the thoughts in her head as she had her eyes trained on the gun. Finally, she made up her mind and pulled the gun away from my head. I felt a ping of disappointment ran through me as she put the gun back in her pocket and stepped away from me.

"No, I'm not going to kill you yet," she told me as a smirk rose on her lips, "You're gonna suffer until I'm done with you and that's when I'm going to kill you."

With that, she walked out of the room, leaving me strapped on a stretcher alone in a cold room.

I jumped up immediately as soon as I heard a loud noise. I could see the hint of brightness from the sun that was being blocked by the curtains. My eyes went down to the broken pieces of glass, that used to be a cup, and my heart slowed down. I must have accidentally pushed it off the table.

I quickly cleaned up the mess and went to go get ready for the day.

Dressing in a dark red flannel, black jeans, and a black pair of combat boots, I swung the door open and stepped out. The halls were quiet and empty as I walked towards the elevator. It was comforting though some people would think it was creepy. When the elevator opened, it revealed the familiar face of Louis Tomlinson. He dropped the water bottle, that was in his hands a few seconds ago, onto the elevator floor as his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his back against the elevator walls. The door began to close and I shoved my hand in the middle of it so it could reopen.

"Traveling," I replied in one word.

Honestly, I didn't want to stand here and have a whole conversation with an idiot.

"Traveling, huh?" he clicked his tongue, "Or stalking?"

I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous assumption, "Not in a million years."

Before he could answer, I turned my back towards him and made my way to the stairs. He clearly didn't understand that I wanted to be alone and in a few seconds, he was right by my side going down the stairs.

"So what are you really doing in London?" he asked as soon as our feet touched the lobby floor. Ignoring him, I walked out of the building but he still followed me.

This guy can't get a hint that I just want to be left alone. Especially because of the paparazzi issues he brings with him...

"Don't you have somewhere to be since you're famous and everything?" I stopped walking and faced him.

"Nope," he popped the "p", making him more irritating than before...if that was even possible, "We're on break."

"Then what do you want? Are you lost because you're just following me around," My voice came out colder than I intended it to be and his mouth opened slightly in shock.

"I-I'm sorry," he stumbled back.

I closed my eyes and let out a huge breath through my nose before reopening them.

"No, I'm sorry," I apologized,

"It's alright," he smiled.

We continued walking down the sidewalk and this time in silence. My mouth and throat was beginning to dry up from the hot air, so I walked across the street when there were no cars visible. I turned around to see Louis standing at the other side, staring at me with a gaping mouth.

"Well? Are you going or not?" I yelled over to him.

He looked at the passing cars and back at me, "Through all of that? Do you have a death wish because I don't."

I shrugged, "Suit yourself, popstar."

I stepped inside the small store and ordered two iced lemonade. While I was sitting down to wait for the drinks, Louis walked through the door, panting like he just ran a marathon. I could see the sweat sliding down his forehead as he looked around for me and stopped when he saw me sitting in the corner. He walked over to me while glaring at me.

"I almost got hit by a car," he seethed under his breath as he took a seat across from me.

I rolled my eyes at him just as the guy at the front yelled out my name. I winked at Louis before getting up from the table to get the drinks. It was a different guy this time and when he handed me my drinks, I caught a sight of a familiar tattoo on his hand.

That symbol.

The drinks slipped out of my hands and collided with the ground as I stumbled back. There was a sound of a chair scraping against the ground as it was pushed back and I felt Louis laid a hand on my shoulder, but my eyes didn't leave the tattoo on the man's hand.

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean this right up for you," The man said, and I could see the hidden smirk behind his fake smile. He went out the back to get the cleaning supplies and I immediately snapped out of my thoughts.

Forgetting about Louis, I ran out the building and just continued to run. I didn't even know where I was going but I just ran till I couldn't run anymore.

Something about that symbol had gave me a cold feeling. There was something bad about it that just made my mind freeze and I plan on finding out what.

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