New York and The Suprise Encounter

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6 months.

It has been 6 months and I still haven't found my so called brother yet. I was beginning to give up. Maybe Alex was just lying so that I wouldn't killed them, but my gut told me otherwise.

I threw my half eaten burrito in the trash can. I pulled the hood over my head and walked down the street of New York.

"What do you mean you can't?" A man asked a woman in front of him. She seemed frustrated and he seemed heartbroken.

"I'm in love with somebody else," she revealed to him, "I'm sorry."

His eyes widened, "You're in love with my brother, aren't you!"

I walked past them and rolled my eyes. There's always something happening in New York.

"26 bottles of beer on the wall, 26 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 25 bottles of beer on the wall," A bearded man sang while sitting on a small steps of stairs. I tossed a few dollars into his guitar case and he thanked me with a nod.

"God is real! He is with us!" A man dressed in a suit yelled out while handing out flyers. "Start believing!"

I scoffed and continued past him. I stopped at a magazine stand when I saw a familiar face on a cover.

"You like One Direction?" The seller asked.

I picked up the magazine and handed him 5 dollars.

"Something like that," I answered with a smirk before walking away.

I flipped through the pages to see an article on them. It was talking about how famous One Direction was and their achievements throughout the years. When I finished the article, I passed it to a teenage girl who was obsessing over the group with her friends.

She stared at me in shock as I walked away like nothing just happened.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets to keep them warm. The wind blew against my face as I walked past people putting up Christmas decorations. There was only 5 more days until Christmas.

I stopped in front of a cafe.

"Life of Caffeine," I whispered the name of the cafe then chuckled afterwards. That's a strange name.

I decided to enter even though I already had a cup of coffee from Starbucks not too long ago.

The place was empty and a woman walked out from the kitchen.

"Good afternoon," she greeted with a kind smile.

"Afternoon," I greeted back.

"What would you like today?" she asked.

I looked up at the menu.

"A small latte macchiato," I chose and she smiled while picking up a cup.

"I'm glad you're okay," she said while making my drink. I touched the gun that was inside my jacket.

"Why do you say that?" I asked her, suspicious that she was part of the CIA.

"You were here about a year ago," she frowned when I didn't remember, "You fainted but the young man you were talking to helped you home."

"Do you know his name?"

"I think it was Lewis or something like that," she tried to remember.

"Louis?" I asked.

"Yes!" she snapped her finger, "That's his name. He was very handsome too."

I removed my hand from the gun and relaxed

"Do you know what he and I were talking about?" I asked her.

"No," she answered, "But I do remember you two laughing and smiling. It lit the place up like a Christmas tree."

I racked my mind for any memories of him and I at this place but nothing popped up.

"Here you go," she handed me my drink as I handed her the right amount of money for it, "Enjoy!"

"Thank you," I smiled at her before leaving the small cafe.

So I did know Louis. I remembered the picture of him and I as kids. At least now I know he and Alex weren't lying.

Louis's POV:

"We're going home, lads," Liam grinned, excited to see his family again. Everyone was excited to see their families again. It has been too long.

"Hey!" Perrie exclaimed.

"Oh sorry, you too Perrie," Liam corrected and she smiled.

Zayn pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. I looked down at my lap.

"I can't wait to go home and drown myself in alcohol with the family," Niall grinned and we all laughed.

"And I can't wait to have fun with you," Zayn winked at Perrie and she shoved him playfully.

"Not in front of our parents though," she told him.

"I can't promise you anything," he joked.

"Ah, get a room you two," Harry intervened.

We laughed.

"Well, I can't wait to see Gemma and my mum," Harry smiled.

"Mummy's boy," Liam snickered.

Harry blushed and reached across his seat to punch Liam lightly, "Shut up, mate."

"What about you Louis?" Zayn asked me.

"Um, I can't wait to see my family," I answered.

They nodded and the plane was now quiet. I can tell that they weren't used to my quietness. I used to be the loud and playful one in the group, but ever since the incident with Ava, I couldn't find the happiness anymore.

Everyday I think about her, and it would help a lot if I had someone to talk to about this. But I have to keep it in me because this couldn't get out. I couldn't put my best mates in a similar situation to the one I faced.

I wish that I could see her again just to tell her that I love her. She was my best friend and my first girlfriend and I could never stop loving her. Even if she doesn't remember me, I just want to see her one last time.

"Louis," Harry's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him and he was looking at me with a worry look. In fact, everyone was looking at me with worry.

"It's your stop, mate," Niall informed me and I realized that the plane had landed.

"Oh," I quickly stood up and picked up my suitcase.

"Thanks and happy holidays," I faked a smile and quickly got off the plane. I walked to the front of the airport where I waited for an available taxi. I told my parents that I didn't mind taking a taxi, and they protested but I won.

Now I was starting to regret that. There were about 6 other people waiting for a taxi too, and it was freezing outside.

A sleek, black car pulled up in front of me and the passenger window rolled down. I crouched down a little to see the person inside. For a second I didn't recognize who it was until I recognize the same eye color.

"Well, hop in Louis Tomlinson. I bet your parents are waiting for you," he grinned and unlocked the car door.

I could not believe my own eyes. It was Max Green.

The number 26 bottles of beer wasn't random. There is 26.0892857 weeks in 6 months, and I rounded it up to 26. I wanted to use days but there was about 183 days and the song is named 99 Bottles of Beer. There is no 183 bottles of beer on the wall.


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