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A gasp left my lips as I resurfaced from the water. I looked around to see that I had swam further away from the waterfall and was now in a lake or river. I used one hand to swim towards the grassy area near the lake I was in. I pulled myself up onto the grass and laid down on my back. Blood was oozing out of my shoulder, and I knew that I had to take the bullet out or I'll bleed out.

Letting out a huge breath, I squeezed my thumb and index finger into the wound. It felt like a million needles being poked in my entire arm, and I clenched my eyes tightly. I pressed in harder and gritted my teeth.

I am going to kill that lady.

Sweat was dripping off my face, and I mentally cheered when I felt the warm, metallic object. I pinched it with my two fingers and slowly pulled it out of my shoulder. Blood dripped from the bullet and I threw it on the ground. My hand fell limp on the ground while I tried to catch my breath.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position and backed myself into a tree. I ripped a piece of fabric of my shirt, and wrapped it around my shoulder to keep the blood from flowing. I secured the knot, and slowly stood up on my feet. Everything became dizzy, and I grabbed the tree for support. When my vision came back, I began to go search for a way out.

I found bananas hanging off of trees, and my stomach grumbled. Sighing, I grabbed a thick branch and started to climb up to grab a few. My determination for food helped me ignore the pain in my left shoulder, so it was easy for me to grab three bananas. I heaved myself onto a stable branch and let out a wore out sigh while peeling the banana open.

The banana almost dropped out of my hand when I saw the body of water that would lead me out of this island. Even better, there was a small boat lying on the sand.

I wasn't dumb though. I knew this was a trap. There were probably men hiding and waiting for me so they can take me back to that hellhole.

A plan immediately popped up in my head.

I grabbed a few more bananas and climbed back down onto the ground. There was a long stick lying next to the tree, and I grabbed it along with a rock lying a few feet away. I sat down on the ground and began to carved one head of the stick to make it sharp. It took a while, but when I touched the sharp point, it created a drop of blood on my finger. I wiped it away, and stood up on my feet with the stick and rock in my hands.

Very cautiously and quietly, I began walking to the spots where I thought the guards would be hiding at. The first guard I spotted was hiding behind a tree. He had a handgun in his holster and the serum gun in his hands.

Quick and Quiet.

I slowly creep up from behind him while he kept looking at the other side of the beach. I wrapped a hand around his mouth and that's when he finally noticed me. He struggled while yelling into my hands but it was muffled. I pulled his body into the spear behind his back, and it went through his body. He fell limp in my arms and I pulled the spear out of his dead body before gently lying him down on the ground. I pulled his body away from view and covered him with dirt and leaves. I grabbed both of his guns before heading towards the next guard.

This guy had on an outfit that camouflaged with the green bushes, but I detected it right away. I ducked behind a tree and tucked the two guns in my pants along with the bananas. After that, I tossed the rock past his head and over to his left, opposite from me. It made a thud sound along with leaves rustling, and the guard's head snapped towards the noise. He raised the gun up and began walking towards where the rock had landed. I followed him from behind, and his feet stopped at where the rock was. His hand was brought up to scratch his head, and I lowered my spear and lied it on the ground. I brought my hands up to the two side of his head and before he could react or even struggle, I snapped his head to the right. I laid his body down on the ground and did what I did to the other guard.

I picked up my spear and walked closer to the boat. There were three guards a few feet ahead and I immediately took cover behind a tree before they could turn around and see me. They were much buffer than the other two and had two guns in their hands. One with serum and the other with bullets.

Silently, I climbed branch by branch up until I was far enough on the tree. I stood up on one of the branches and tightly grasped the spear in my hands. With as much strength I could muster, I aimed the spear at one of the guard's head and threw it with force. It went straight through his head, and he collapsed on the ground with the spear still lodged in his brain. The other two guards looked down at the body in shock, and looked up to see me on the branch. I leaped onto another tree beside me before they could shoot. Bullets were shot at me as I leaped from tree to tree. My hand grasped the gun with bullets in my pants.

I jumped down from the tree I was on while they kept shooting. While I was in the air, I fired a bullet at one of them and it hit him directly in the forehead. He fell backwards on the ground, dead. I landed on one knee and quickly shot the last guy in the head.

Multiple footsteps were coming my way, and I concluded in my head that it was five guards. I pulled the spear out from the guy's head and hid behind a tree. They stopped running and I heard hushed whispering. I peeked from behind the tree and saw exactly five guards standing there with their guns. They were looking around the area, more alert when they saw the three dead bodies.

One guy was coming towards my direction, and when he spotted me, I stabbed him in the stomach. He gasped out in surprise, which alerted the other four. When they started to shoot at me, I quickly ducked behind a tree while grabbing a average sized rock. They stopped to reload their gun, and I quickly turned around to throw the spear in one of the guy's stomach, and then I threw the rock at the other guy's eye. The guy with the spear collapsed on the ground while the one who got hit by the rock dropped his gun to hold his eye.

The other two had reloaded their gun and began running towards me. One lunged at me but I dodged it and elbowed him in the face. The fourth guy tried to knock me out with his gun, and I grabbed his arm and flipped him over to his back. His grip on the gun had faltered, and I grabbed it out of his hand, shot the guy I had elbowed, and then shot the guy on the ground. The guy with the injured eye tried to shoot me, but I kicked the gun out of his hands and shot him in the face.

Breathing heavily, I grabbed a new gun and my spear and ran towards the boat. I pulled the boat into the ocean and quickly climbed in. I used the spear to move the boat further from the shore and away from this torturous island.

From a distance, I could see a couple more of Rebecca's men running towards me with their guns pointed at me. I pulled the serum gun out and shot them with it when they got close enough.

In the shadows, I could see Rebecca glaring at me with her arms crossed over her chest. A smirk made its way to my lips and I waved my hand as of saying, "Goodbye bitch."

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