Max Green

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"Shit," I mumbled under my breath when a horrible pain strike my head as I sat up from my bed.

I buried my head in the pillow, but then I notice a hint of cologne. Louis's cologne.

Ignoring the throbbing in my head, I jumped up from the bed and noticed that I wasn't in my room. My eyes went to the sleeping Louis on the couch.

I walked over to him and could hear the light snores that left his mouth.

"Louis," I whispered and tapped on his arm. He whacked my hand away like I was a fly and I smirked.

I slapped his cheek and he immediately sat up with an angry flare in his eyes.

"What the hell?"

His eyes soften when he saw that it was me.

"Hey," I smiled softly, not effected by his tone.

"Sorry," he apologize and crossed his legs on the couch.

"I wanted to ask what happened...back at the cafe," I asked him.

Something flashed in his eyes but it quickly disappeared before I could tell what it meant.

"You fainted and I carried you back here. You hit your head pretty hard too," he frowned and reached a hand out to examine my head. Out of instinct, I pulled back.

"Sorry," he mumbled while retracting his hand and scratched his neck.

"Thank you," I told him.

He nodded quietly. I began walking towards the front door when Louis called out my name one last time. I turned my head around to meet his sparkling blue eyes.

"See you later," he smiled.

I let a small smile slip on my lips and walked out, closing the door behind me. I walked into my room and my smile was instantly wiped off when I saw who was sitting on my couch. He was reading a magazine and on the cover, I saw a picture of Louis and I sitting at the cafe this morning. Good thing there were no pictures of me unconscious. I didn't want anyone from the agency knowing about my dreams, especially Nick. He had no emotion on his face, so I couldn't see what he was feeling, but if I had to guess I would say anger.

"Sir," I greeted, my body completely still.

He didn't say anything for a moment and continued to look at the magazine. I gulped. He finally slowly closed it and tossed it on the table in front of him.

"Do you know why I'm here agent?" he asked while leaning back.

My eyes went to the magazine and back to him.

"Yes sir," I answered.

"Good," he said quietly and then his voice raised up in anger, "Then can you explain why the hell you were with that celebrity again when I specifically told you not to?"

"It was a coincidence sir," I explained, not flinching at his tone. I was used to it.

"Coincidence my ass!" he yelled. I watched in silence as he paced back and forth while rubbing his temples. He stopped and sighed.

"Do you remember what I said if I ever saw you with him again?" he asked and I nodded, "I wasn't kidding about that."

We both stayed silent until he sighed, "This isn't really what I came to talk to you about."

I waited for him to continue.

"There's someone I need you to take care of," he reached into his briefcase that was siting beside him and pulled out a vanilla folder. He handed it to me and I flipped through the pages and stopped on the photo of the guy.

"I saw him a few days ago," I recalled back to the guy at the drink shop. He had a tattoo on his arm and on the next page, there was a photo of the same tattoo. The tattoo that was also in my dream.

"That's Max Green," Nick informed. I froze over the man's last name, but Nick didn't seem to notice and continued, "He is a very dangerous man, selling drugs, hacking the CIA many times already, and even involved in a handful of murders."

The next page showed a picture of a man that was also in one of my dreams.

My father apparently.

"His father was killed several years ago in self defense. He was also a dangerous man and passed his job down to his family."

Does that mean I was involved in his family business? I remembered him saying something like that.

"What about their mother?" I asked.

"We have her in custody ever since 2011," he answered.

I flipped through all the pages, the information transporting into my brain.

"Bring him back dead or alive," Nick instructed before walking out the door. I flipped back to the front page to take another look at his profile.

His eyes were almost the same color as mine, a chilling blue color, but I had a hint of hazel in the center. His short, brown hair was combed down to the left side of his forehead. His face was round with facial hair that stretched from his chin to his jaw. We looked so different, but the look in our eyes were nearly the same, cold and vicious.

On the bottom, it said that he had a mother, a father, and a sister. Apparently, his sister died in a car accident when she was 18. It also stated that she was the person who killed her father in self defense.

My mouth dried up at the name Ava Green.

I went to pull my phone out of my pocket, but I felt nothing. Panicking, I began to search the whole room for my phone but to no avail. I sat down to think where I could have dropped my phone and my mind went to Louis. I swung my door open and as if on cue, Louis opened his too and we both stare at each other from across the hall.

My eyes landed on the smart phone in his hand.

"Uh- I was about to give this back to you," he laughed nervously and walked over to me. I took the phone as he handed it to me, "It was on my bed."

His eyes went to the folder in my hands and then I noticed that I forgot to put it away.

"What's that?" he nodded towards the folder.

I hid behind me so that he couldn't grab it if he wanted to, but that only increased his curiosity, "Work."

"What do you do?" he tilted his head to the side. If I wasn't annoyed right now, I would have thought that he looked cute.

"I work in a company," I said the first thing that popped into my head. He opened his mouth to probably ask another question but I interrupted him before he could get a word out.

"I gotta get back to work now," I closed the door in his face and sighed when I heard him walk back to his room.

I wondered if Nick knew that Louis was living across from me...

Shrugging to myself, I sat down on the couch and pulled the laptop, that was on the table, onto my lap. Already in a few minutes, I had eight cameras on my screen. My eyes scanned all of it one by one, trying to see if Max would pop up in any of them. I brought the laptop with me as I pulled out another one from my luggage. I sat back down with the two laptops on the table. The second screen showed records of Max and if he used his cards or anything, I would instantly know.

The cameras were screening for recognition so I went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. The smell reminded me of how much I missed it. It's funny how the only thing I seem to miss is coffee, edible food, and a soft bed. There was no one for me to miss because I didn't have friends and I rarely talked to anyone. Almost everyone was scared to talk to me because of my intensity and the others didn't really care. I was fine with that though. I liked the quietness. It helped me think.e

I walked back to the couch with my coffee in hand to see that there still were no results. I leaned back and just stared at the screen. Doing this job ever since I was 18, I learned to be patient. Stressing out about it now wouldn't do me any good.

As I sat there staring at the screen, I thought to what I would do if I came face to face with him again. Last time, I didn't know him, but if I met him again, I wouldn't know what to do.

Kill him or put him in prison for eternity.

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