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My eyes stared out at the window in my hospital room. The sky was no longer blue like it was when I arrived. Instead, a grey color cast over the sidewalk from below and lightning bolts would appeared sometimes but no rain had yet fell.

I could hear their whispers about my condition, but I kept my eyes glued on the depressing sky.

"She has 2 long scar tissue from the the back of her neck to her lower back. Bruises are also on her back and stomach, including her arms and legs. There are several wounds on her body that suggest that she was shot with a needle. Also, it looked like she had a fracture arm a long time ago but it had healed. Her shoulder should also heal in about a month," The doctor explained to Nick, the Director of the CIA.

Nick was quiet for a few seconds before he answered, "Will she ever be the same again?"

My eyes dropped down to the white tile floor.

"I'm afraid not," Doctor Price answered, "She will need to go to therapy three times a week, and not go back on the field immediately because it will affect her physically and mentally."

"Thank you Doctor," I heard Nick said before one of them, which I concluded was the doctor, walked away.

A minute later, the door opened but I didn't raised my head to see who it was. I already knew who it was by the scent of his expensive cologne.

"I missed you," I heard the mattress move when he sat down on the hospital bed, "The whole agency missed you."

I didn't answered him, so he continued talking, "At first, we were all sure that you were alive and tried to find you, but after two years we just...gave up."

I finally turned around to meet his brown eyes. He looked much older than he was four years ago. There were more wrinkles on his forehead than before and he had shaved all of his hair to have it bald. He still dressed the same though. Black and white suit.

I smiled weakly.

Nick stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped an arm around him and we stayed there hugging for awhile before he let go. "Take as much time as you need off to heal."

I nodded and he smiled at me sadly one more time before leaving the room. A sigh left my lips and I turned back around to look out the window again.


"And you should eat some healthy food but eat only lean meat," My therapist, Alex, added in before I left her office with a slam of the door.

Therapy had gone terribly. She kept on asking questions but I didn't answer because I wasn't ready to reveal anything yet. I'm afraid I might break if I do and that will not be a pretty sight to see.

I walked down the sidewalk since I had walked to therapy instead of drive. I need to work on driving.

My stomach grumbled and I walked into a icecream shop, ignoring the advice Theresa gave me. While I waited for my mint chocolate ice cream, some guy stood up from his table. My first reaction was to run when he walked towards me, but I didn't because he walked past me and into the men's restroom. My heart returned to its normal rate, and I quickly walked out of the building when the cashier gave me my ice cream.

I didn't pay attention to where I was going though and accidently bumped into someone when I walked out. The ice cream cone in my hands had been smashed between the male stranger and me and I mentally mourn for it.

"Shit," he cursed under his breath and I had yet to look up at his face because I was too busy looking down at my ruined ice cream. I even forgot that there was ice cream all over my shirt. "Watch where you're going!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and met a pair of blue, angry eyes. He practically stared me down while his hand held his shirt away from touching his skin, but I wasn't intimidated. Instead, I glared back at him with the same intensity.

"I'm sorry I ACCIDENTLY bumped into you and stained your shirt with MY ice cream.," I exaggerated on the two words. "But don't be such an asshole about it."

People walked past us without giving us a glance while some stayed to look at us.

He scoffed at me, "Do you know who you're talking to?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked, "An arrogant asshole who is full of shit?"

He frowned, "No, I'm Louis Tomlinson."

I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, "Yeah, I don't know you."

"Have you been living under a rock or something?" he asked sarcastically and I scoffed.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming this way. Multiple footsteps and it was moving fast with flashes of cameras. No one seemed to be aware until the paparazzi showed up from around the corner. That's when realization hit me and I looked over at the troubled looking Louis. He began running away from the paparazzi, but he wasn't fast enough and they quickly crowded him.

I was going to walk back to my apartment, but I knew I couldn't just leave him there. Rolling my eyes, I pushed through the men with cameras, and some looked surprise of my strength. Louis was using a hand to shield his eyes while the other one tired to push the paparazzi away. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the crowd and he let out a gasp of shock. His eyes widened when he saw it was me.

"Run," I pushed him forward and he almost tripped over his foot. One of the paparazzi caught his shirt and was going to pull him back, but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over to his back. The camera in his hands broke when it dropped on the floor, and he yelled out. I looked back at Louis who was looking at the guy lying on the ground in pain, "I said run!"

He snapped out of his shock and quickly ran while I held the paparazzi back. Their shouting and attention had now reverted over to me and I wanted to slap myself for being my stupidity self.

What the hell have I done?

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