Take a Chance

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I felt the electricity going through my body, and I screamed out in agony. My body shook vigorously due to the cables being pinched down on my skin to let the electricity pass through my body. Dr. Evans stood in front of me with no remorse as she let one of her men torture me.

He turned off the machine, and I felt a little bit of relief until Dr. Evans nod her head at him and he flipped the switch on again.

No matter how much I didn't want to show her I was in pain, I couldn't stop the screams from escaping my lips. He flipped it off and I dropped my head down. My dirty hair was stuck to my face from the sweat and tears that was sliding down my skin. I only had on a bra and shorts that they gave me, and it was drenched in sweat. The shirt I was wearing is lying on the ground behind me.

I heard her footsteps coming closer until it stopped right in front of me. I opened my eyes to see her black 7-inch heels and slowly raised my head to look into her cold, blue eyes.

"Don't think about escaping again," she warned with menace dripping from her voice. "Take her to her room."

I glared at her back as she walked out of the room. I felt the man behind me inject the serum into my arm before he uncuff the chains and I fell down onto my knees and hands. The room was beginning to fade in and out, and my whole body began to feel numb. I fell over to my back and then the darkness took over.


"Have you ever wanted to feel freedom?" I asked him as we laid on the grass while watching the birds fly.

He turned his head to face me, but I kept my eyes trained on the birds. "What are you talking about?" he asked and I smiled at his British accent.

"You know," I finally turned my head to meet his curious eyes. "Feel like there will be nothing that can hold you back from what you want, and you will finally be able to be...you."

He brought his hand up to my cheek and stroke it gently while smiling at me. "You're my freedom Ava."

My eyes flew open and I looked around to see that I was still stuck here. I wasn't lying on the green grass in London with my childhood best friend/lover seven years ago when I was 15.

I looked down at myself to see that my shirt was back on my torso, but the chains were still holding me down on the hard and uncomfortable bed.

I tried to escape for the first time since I've been kidnapped and brought here. I don't know how long I've been here for because I've lost track of time due to all the pain I endured, but it feels like it's been years. Years since I felt sunlight.

I was so close to being outside yesterday, but then someone shot me with the serum and I woke up in chains. Before I could even react, he had flipped the switch and I remembered feeling pain. Lots of pain.

It made me so frustrated that I was so close to escaping from all this madness, but then my plan backfired.

The steel door opened and in walked one of Dr. Evans men. He must have been new since I've never seen him before. I raised an eyebrow when he cuffed my hands in front of me and forgot to inject me with the serum. That's when the light turned on in my head.

He roughly grabbed me and pulled me out of the room and into the empty hall. When he turned around to close the door, I brought my cuffed hands up and strike him hard behind his head. He collapsed onto the ground and I quickly grabbed his keys to unlock the chains before taking his handgun and hiding his body inside the room.

That was easy.

The gun was held tightly into my hands as I cautiously walked down the hallway. I peered around a corner to see a man approaching and I waited for him to get close enough to strike him. He walked past me without acknowledgement before he quickly stopped in his steps and turned around to look at me in shock. I knocked him out with the gun before he could react and grabbed his gun also before continuing towards the exit.

I picked up my pace and heard footsteps coming from behind. I turned around to see a man chasing me with his gun raised at me. I shot him without hesitance, but he pressed the button in his jacket to report an emergency.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath before I began to run.

Some guards appeared from in front of me, and I took them out with no problem. The ones behind me tried to catch up, but they failed. Even though, I've been tortured all this time, I still have my physical strength. I'm not so sure about mental though. I turned a corner to see the exit door and my feet moved even faster.

The door opened and a man ran in with a gun raised at me, but I gave him a headshot while my feet kept on moving with no problem.

I pushed the door open, and excitement bubbled in me until I stopped at the edge of a cliff that lead to a waterfall. I turned around to see Dr. Evans and her men behind her. She had a gun in her hand, and it was pointed at my head.

"I suggest you go back inside Ava," Her hands were red from from holding the gun too tightly in her hands. "Now."

I shook my head. "No." With that, I turned around and jumped down. A gunshot went off and I felt a pain in my shoulder before I fell into the cold water.

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