The new girl

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~May's POV~

(A/N: May looks this)

I am May Maple! 16-year-old, 6-timing-top-coordinator

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I am May Maple! 16-year-old, 6-timing-top-coordinator. I've been traveling for the past 6 years. Now, I'm going to be attending school. I'm currently on my way cause it's in a different city. I'm slightly nervous because I'm going to have to make new friends. 

30 minutes later, I was there. Standing in front of the huge building I sighed. "Here goes nothing." I entered and BOOM! Some boy bumped into me causing both of us to fall. We got up and picked up our stuff and he apologized "Oh, heh, sorry! I was in a rush." He said and then realized something, he turned around to see 3 boys, his age fuming and catching up. "ASH KETCHUM! HOW DARE YOU!?" All three yelled at the top of their lungs causing me to wince. "Geez, cool it. Will ya?" I told them. "Oh sorry, say? We've never seen you here, you new?" The spiky-haired guy asked me as all of them stared at me for a few moments causing me to blush. "Yeah... I am."  replied calmly. "Oh, Drewww!" I heard an overly-sweet voice call. The guys slightly groaned and turned around. "Brianna" the green-haired guy said slightly disgusted as a posse of 4 girls came over to us and started flirting with the guys. Then the girl who seemed to be the 'leader' of the posse turned to me and asked "Who are you, loser?" acting disgusted. I was about to smack her hard "I'm May Maple, I'm new here." I told her as sweetly as I could but it turned out to come in a frustrated tone causing the guys to sweat-drop. "So, you're new? She asked me. "I believe I just said that" I said with a slight snap. Anybody could notice that she was boiling. "Since you're new, I believe you require a welcome, don't you?" She asked me with a smirk and I just looked at her bored. She then took her water bottle and was about to pour the water on me but, I hit her wrist causing the water to fall on her instead of me and it was my turn to smirk. "You'll regret that!" She screeched. "Whateva" I said bored while looking at my nails. "Hmph! Let's go girls" She ordered her posse who agreed with her while giving me a death-glare which I simply ignored while waving my hand. 

"Geez May, that was something." The spiky-haired guy told me. I just smiled back, then while we were walking into the building I started "Oh, I don't believe you've told me your names." The raven-haired guy answered "Right. I'm Ash he said and then indicated to his Pikachu who I just noticed, "and this is Pikachu" I smiled as Pikachu gave a small bow. "The spiky-haired guy is Gary, the silent plum-head is Paul and the guy with grass on his head is Drew." He said earning a glare from the other guys making me sweat-drop. "Ooookay" I said. "Could you tell me where the principal's office is?" I asked them, and Drew replied "Figures you couldn't realize it's right behind you." I turned around and saw a bold sign saying "Principal's office" I sighed and entered, to my surprise the guys entered behind me. "Huh?" I asked them. "We have to report to the principal's office due to the little stunt Ash decided to pull off, which is the reason we were chasing him earlier. Paul answered while glaring at Ash. I nodded understanding. 

"Mr. Jones?" I asked sweetly. "Ah, May!" He said looking up from his papers. "I believe you're here for your schedule?" He asked and I nodded. "Here you go." He said handing me a few documents. "Thank you, sir" I replied as I stepped back and guys came forward. "As for you, I'm going to go easy on you because you're some of the best students here." He started causing the guys to be relieved. "Detention for 2 days." He finished and the guys nodded. Then we came out "What did you guys do though?" I asked them. "Later" Gary said. "Alright. So, I have dorm 121. Mind helping me out?" I asked them. "You, us, and our other friends have the same dorms. Why don't you follow us?" Ash said enthusiastically and I nodded. 10 minutes later, we reached. Grass head opened the door and we saw 3 girls sitting on the couch watching TV. "Hey, guys!" Ash greeted them getting their attention. "Hey!'" they replied then looked at me, "Who are you?" the bluenette asked me. "I'm May. I'm your new roommate." I said sweetly. The bluenette beamed and responded with a "Hi there May! I'm Dawn." She told me, the other three followed her lead and introduced themselves while smiling. Then, I noticed Dawn staring at me and I asked her "Is something wrong, Dawn?" I asked snapping her out of her trance. "Oh, it's nothing. You just seem familiar." She said. I nodded as I noticed a top coordinator's magazine on the coffee table, I handed it to her saying "This should help." She looked at it and then beamed making the connection. "You're May Maple! 6-timing-top-coordinator!" She exclaimed causing everyone to stare at me shocked. "That's me" I said like it was nothing. "How are you a 6 timing top coordinator, you seem too klutzy to do anything" Drew said. Trying to show no anger, I asked him "Excuse me?" But, it didn't work, I still sounded mad-angry. "What? I'm just saying you look too clumsy to win a grand festival." He said smirking, he was about to flick his fringe when I lost it, I held his wrist and pulled it outwards, and flipped him over my waist. Everyone just stared at me in shock while I sat on the couch satisfied. Even Paul, who barely showed any emotions was shocked for a second before muttering "Idiot" then everyone else leaving Paul and Drew to burst into laughter. Drew then pulled himself together and sat next to Paul on the edge of the sofa while the others continued to laugh. "Dude!!" Gary said while laughing. "We needed to record that!" He said. "I can do it again if you guys want." I chimed in. "NO!" Drew yelled causing all of us to smirk. 

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