The tournament begins!

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~May's POV~

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed, I got dressed in a purpled shirt whose sleeves came till my elbows and a black skirt which reached a little above my knees with boots that came till my ankle. I came out and prepared eggs and bacon for break fast. 

Soon everyone came out we were headed to our first class, for Misty and me it was English, it was pretty boring, after that I had chemistry with Drew, Leaf and Gary it was pretty funny because the teacher mixed two wrong chemicals and panicked even though nothing happened. After that we had lunch break. 

We were all headed towards the lunch hall to grab our food, we met up at our special bench in the park. As we were eating, the drama queens came up to us, "Hi Drewy!" she called, "Back off, Brianna." I said firmly not lifting my eye from my food. 

She smirked and looked at the piece of paper in her hand and said, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful," she started dramatically, "hate me because your boyfriend thinks so." she finished as I scoffed. 

"Were you born this stupid? Or did you take classes?" I said as the whole park chuckled still not looking her in the eye, Brianna grit her teeth and said, "I was not born stupid!" she yelled and I smirked, "So, you're saying you took classes?" I said and everyone burst into laughter.

"Listen here, I was not born stupid and neither did I take classes. I am NOT stupid! I was born with brains which I still have and you clearly don't." she said.

I finally looked at her, "Good story, but in what chapter do you shut up?" I said and she turned red in anger. "We'll finish this in the tournament, I know you registered." she seethed as she walked away with her posse close by. 

Francesca, (the one who replaced Nicolette) waved at Paul who scowled in response, Janice waved at Gary who looked away, Macie waved at Ash who made a disgusted face and Brianna blew a kiss at Drew who ignored her.

"Looks like she's going to be participating in the tournament." I said with a smirk. This will be fun. After school, we all went to relax a little before the battle contest so we went to the park

I called out my Pokémon and the others followed my lead, I noticed Glaceon stare at Leafeon, then Leafeon gave her a smirk making Glaceon turn red in anger and then shot a weaker version of ice shard at Leafeon, he immediately dodged it. Leafeon sent a weakened version razor leaf at her and she dodged it. 

"You two! Calm down! We have a tournament coming up!" I called and they nodded, I sat down next to Drew and he placed his arm around me. It felt so... safe in his arms. I gave a content sigh and snuggled closer. 

Then giggles were heard, Drew and I turned around to see the guys with smirks and the girls giggling. "Smoochie Smoochie.. Someone's in love~" Gary said and I responded, "Oh, so you're saying  you're not?" with a big smirk on my face as I saw Leaf go red in anger. 

I looked at my poketch and said, "It's time, guys." as I stood up with determination in my eyes, people say it's my best trait and I guess they're right. We all headed for the arena. 

We went to the waiting room and sat down, I noticed Brianna and her posse and sent a smirk at her, she immediately turned red in anger but recovered, "Don't underestimate me, girl." she said with a smirk as she walked up to me, then her smirk turned into a genuine smile.

"Though seriously, may the best coordinator win." she said as she extended her hand for a hand shake, I was surprised at first and said, "Is this because the author finally decided that she's done with making you an an evil psychopath who is completely OOC?" 

She raised an eye brow but replied with, "No. A change of heart. Hold up, we're in a book?" I smiled and said, "I guess so, let's give it a happy ending. May the best coordinator win." We shook hands and I turned to the gang as she left to join her posse. 

"That was unexpected on so many levels." Leaf muttered, "I'll say. Who knew we were in a book?" Gary asked and Leaf smacked him on the head, "I was talking about the 'change of heart', Oak!" Leaf said. "I think we just might just become friends, you know.." I said, "How do ya know she isn't tricking you?" Drew asked me and I smiled at him. 

"I saw something that I've never seen in her eyes, sincerity." I said and the others nodded, "Let's remember, friends no matter what!" Dawn cheered and we got ready for the tournament.  

We watched the TV as the hosts started, "Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Adeline" a girl started, "I'm Axel!" the boy beside her said. "And we're your hosts for tonight!" Adeline stated, "Ade, I don't know about you but I'm thrilled! I heard we have the prince and princess of hoenn here?" Axel asked. 

"Oh yes, believe it or not, today we have got some powerful competition, We have May Maple and Drew Hayden! I heard they're dating... they're going to be tough to defeat!" Adeline informed, everyone in the room looked at us making me blush slightly. 

"Aha, then we have got, Ash Ketchum, Misty Waterflower, Dawn Berlitz, Paul Shinji, Gary Oak, Leaf Green, Brianna Arsement, Lin Jones..." Axel started, "Conway Anderson, Rudy Clarke, Kai Williams (I don't know any boys who could annoy Leaf from the original game, so I am making my own character.) and last but not least, Brendan Birch!"

We tensed up, "So, those freaks will be here too?" Drew said through gritted teeth, I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Drew, calm down." he smiled at me and I kissed his cheek while murmuring, "You're the best anyway."  

"Hmm, hold up! Lin, Lin Jones? Could she be related to Mr. Jones?" Misty asked us, "Yes, I'm his grand daughter." a familiar voice said from behind us, we turned around, "Wow, that's great, he's our principal... Do you go to the school?" I asked her, "I'll be starting soon." she replied. 

We got distracted by the hosts, "So, first up, we have Gary Oak vs Kai Williams! I request you to please come up to the arena!" Adeline announced, "Kick William's butt for me please." Leaf told Gary and he chuckled, "Will do, Leafy." he said as they went to the arena. 

(Arcanine vs Loppuny and Gary wins)

The two shook hands and Gary came backstage, not before grabbing some pop corn for us. "Great job, Gary!" I praised as he approached, "Thanks May, Leafy? You happy now?" Gary asked Leaf and she nodded with a huge smile on her face as she reached out for some pop corn but Gary stopped her. 

He pointed to his cheek and Leaf playfully rolled her eyes, she kissed him on the cheek and snatched the pop corn bucket. We laughed as we saw Gary throw a nasty look at the pop corn while muttering, "Stole my Leafy." 

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