The plan

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A/N: Alright guys, this is probably the last chapter of this book. However I am planning on making a sequel. This book has reached almost 2K reads so I can only assume you guys like such stories. Don't worry, I will continue the other book "Guardians of the isle" too :) 

Anyway. Let's begin this chapter! 

~Red's POV~

I know that ringtone. It's Maxie, meaning... He's got a mission. May picked up the call and Drew turned on the recorder, "Sapphire, I've got a mission for you. Oh.. looks like CC is with you." He said mildly shocked.

"Cut to the chase, Maxie." May responded, Term no. 1 of Team Magma: If your part of the inner circle, you do not need to be 'polite'. 

"Of course, you need to transport some cargo from HQ to the Himalayan Base."he said, "The costa cargo? Isn't Tabitha supposed to take it?" I asked, Costa is a company, it supplies mechanical items to Team Magma. 

"Well, yes. But we have received a notice that Team Aqua has their eyes on the cargo. We need someone from the inner circle on the task. CC, how about you tag along with May. The more the better." He responed. 

'Perfect' I thought. "Mmkay" I muttered, "Sure." May said as she hung up. 

~Brendan's POV~

I groaned as I woke up, "mmm" I struggled to say, my mouth was covered, of course! I was tied to a chair, I thought back to what happened, "OH SHI-" I cursed. The gang! They put me here! Oh, how they're going to pay!

Hayden knocked me out. They must have put me here till they finish the plan. Guess I don't have much to worry about, after all, they're righting the wrong. 

~Drew's POV~

The guys (Ash, Paul, Gary) and I wore black jeans with a black T shirt, we wore black face masks and gloves. 

The girls (Lin, Dawn, Misty, May, Leaf) wore black denim shorts with black shirt, they wore the same black face masks as us. 

Red was of course, in his CC costume.

All of us had our pokemon with us, a knife, ear pieces, May and Red had some extra Team Magma gear too. 

Max and Esther stayed at the house with their laptops and poketchs' up and running. They had hacked into the Magma security system.

We went over to the HQ, where Red and May pretended that we were prisinors. We were let in by the front guards. A little ahead there was an area with 2 guards and a security camera. 

"Max, turn off security camera 547." May whispered into the ear piece and he did. Red and May knocked out the two guards. Then they removed the hand cuffs put on us.

 "Alright. Ash, Dawn, Paul and Misty, you will go right and knock out every grunt you see. Gary, Leaf, Drew and Lin, you will go left and knock out every grunt you see. Red and I will go ahead to Maxie's office. We will all meet their once I say so." May explained. 

"Got it" the others replied, "Be careful, please." May added as she walked up to me and kissed me. The other hugged May. "Alright, May. We need to hurry, Maxie will get suspicious." Red said. May nodded and stepped back taking a deep breath. "Don't die. Now, go. go. go. Move." May commanded as everyone ran to do what they were told

~May's POV~

"Max, disable each and every camera. Esther, I need a live map of the HQ with the location of the gang." I said through the ear piece, Max disabled the cams and I recieved a live map from Esther. "Thanks guys." I whispered. 

Red swiped his admin card at Maxie's door as it opened slowly. There stood the mastermind himself, "Maxie." we both muttered simultaneously. 

"Ah. Perfect timing, the cargo just got ready." Maxie said with a smile, I nodded while noting the two guards standing beside the door. 'Weird' I thought. It was weird because usually, when we were having a conversation relating a mission, the guards would leave. 

Then again, this wasn't really the type of missions I go to usually. Brushing the thought away, I look around to any other 'things' that could possibly come in the way of our mission. There were a few pokeballs on the table towards me. 

When Maxie was distracted by the papers on his table, I briskly snatched the pokeballs while Red tased the guards. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Maxie yelled. By now, Red and I had our pokeballs in our hands. I was holding Blaziken and Lucario while Red had venusaur and charizard. 

Maxie reached out for the pokeballs that were on the table before I secured them and threw them to the otherside of the room. The gang also caught up with us. They had tied the two guards up.

We heard police sirens and then an announcement by Officer Jenny over a loud speaker, "WE HAVE THE ENTIRE BUILDING SURROUNDED, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR." I smirked at Maxie's shocked and angry face. 

"Why the long face Maxie?" I teased him as Red called out his venusaur, "VENUSAUR! VINE WHIP!" He called out. Venusaur had captured Maxie. Everything was perfectly executed, but then Maxie started chuckling. 

"Why are you laughing, old man!?" Ash asked, "You think I didn't know you were up to something?" Maxie asked clearly dedicating the question towards Red and me. "I was suspicious the second you asked me about CC's identity. Then, I noticed a weird ting sound when I called you." Maxie said, "THE RECORDER!" Drew yelled as he caught on.

"You knew I recorded the call." I whispered, "You set this up! There IS no cargo!" I said as I realised, "I bet there is backup fighting the police NOW!" Leaf yelled as we ran out. Sure enough, she was right. 

2 huge Team Magma robots were fighting the police, "Lucario! Blaziken!" I released them, "Lucario, Meteor Mash! Blaziken, blast burn!" I commanded. Lucario stopped one of the robots while Blaziken stopped the other. 

But then 10 tiny robots came out of the big ones, "Ughh.. Kirlia!" I yelled releasing her. "Kir- Kirlia!" she yelled in surprise. "Use psychic on the tiny robots and take them in the air!" I commanded and she did so. "Lucario, aura sphere! Blaziken, flame thrower!" I added, the robots flew in to the sky looking like fire works. It was beautiful. 

"Wow, May! Way to do it in style!" Dawn cheered as she ran up and hugged me. The others also hugged me. I ran up to Drew, "You did it, April." he said with a smile. "No, We did it. Grass head." I said it as we leaned in for a kiss. 

Soon, Maxie was behind the bars and Team Magma was just history. We had taken down the 'unbeatable'. But that was only one of the evil forces humans have come up with. So, we decided to dedicate our whole life making the world a better place to live in. 

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